Jessica Watts

Give a brief bio about yourself/your background/your history.
I grew up on an acreage in Swan River, MB. Growing up, school was always something that I valued and enjoyed. When I was younger, I participated in a few sports, such as volleyball, badminton and cross-country running, but I have never been one that enjoyed the competitive nature of sports. In high school, I was enrolled in band which allowed me to build so many great friendships and be a part of many fun field trips, including a trip to Nashville. I now enjoy cooking/baking, gardening, reading when I have time, and spending time with my family and friends. I am a homebody and often travel back home on weekends.
What education have you taken?
I have completed my 3-year Bachelor of Science degree at Brandon University. I am currently almost finished my first year of the Bachelor of Education after degree program at BU.
How did you become interested in your field/area of study?
For as long as I can remember, I have always wanted to be a teacher. Living out of town meant that my sister and I often felt isolated during the summer holidays. We often resorted to playing school, in which I was the teacher. As we got older, we spent most of our days during the summer holidays in town, volunteering at the local library program. This led me to becoming the coordinator of the Summer Reading Program for three consecutive summers. I then worked in a daycare for a few summers and have also been a substitute teacher and Educational Assistant. I have a lot of experience working with children, confirming that I am on the right path becoming an early years teacher.
What accomplishments are you most proud of?
I am proud of sticking with my lifelong goal of becoming a teacher. I always dreamed of going to Brandon University and here I am, approaching my final year of study. Graduating my Bachelor of Science degree with greatest distinction is another accomplishment that I am very proud of. The days can feel long, but the years sure fly by.
Where do you see yourself in the future? What do you hope to undertake or accomplish once you leave BU?
I see myself teaching, most likely in the early years stream, back home in Swan River. I hope to create a classroom environment that is safe and welcoming for all who walk through the door. I want to make learning engaging and meaningful for my students and will focus on building positive relationships. I hope to make my classroom an equitable space, supporting my students in the ways that they need to become successful. I hope to make a difference for all my future students, standing up for everyone’s rights and freedoms. As a teacher, I will be a lifelong learner. I look forward to learning and trying new things daily, along with increasing my professional development. As teachers, we are raising the next generation, so I hope to have a positive impact on my future student’s lives.
What is your philosophy in life?
I believe that hard work pays off. Whether this is in terms of school, work, or relationships, you will get back what you invest into it. Another thing is to always be willing to learn new things. We will never be too old to try new things. Finally, the golden rule that I always stand by is to treat others the way that you would like to be treated. My mom always said this to me growing up and it is something that I think about daily now.
In one sentence, how will you #EmbraceEquity?
As a future teacher, I will #EmbraceEquity by supporting and encourage all my students, recognizing their hard work and accomplishments, and creating opportunities to embrace everyone’s strengths.
Nominator’s Comments:
Jessica is a pre-service teacher in the early years, after-degree program at Brandon University. She demonstrates #EmbraceEquity through her participation and passion in her current undergraduate courses. She is particularly passionate about children’s rights and freedoms. She demonstrates passion for developing inclusive classroom spaces that support cultural diversity and differences. Jessica hopes to positively influence the lives of the early years children in her classrooms by ultimately promoting their resilience. She is an emerging leader!