Brooklynn Hole

What Education have you taken?
I graduated from Boissevain school in 2016 and decided to take a year off before deciding on furthering my education at Brandon University! Currently I am in my second year of studies, majoring in Applied Disaster and Emergency Studies with a minor in psychology.
How did you become interested in your field of study?
Coming from a family who has been largely involved with emergency services I always had a keen interest in this program and knew from the first day of my first class that this was the degree I was going to persue! I have always wanted to be in a position where I could help people on their worst day, or be able to help them try to avoid those kinds of days.
Where do you see yourself in the future?
Once I have completed my degree I hope to go into emergency management, helping either cities or business come up with a plan of action or help people be prepared for that worst-case scenario situation!
Nominators’ Comments:
First nominator: I wish to nominate Brooklynn Hole. Brooklynn discovered the ADES program in her second year and immediately became one of our leading students. She is enthusiastic and inquisitive in class and well respected by her peers. Brooklynn is the first female student to enrol in the ADES Co-op program and I anticipate she will be a highly sought after candidate. As a department we are all proud of the impact our female students and graduates are having on the emergency management profession that was a male-dominated field prior to the entry of university grads like ours. I am confident that Brooklynn will carry this tradition on in the future.
Second nominator: Brooklynn brings an innate entrepreneurial spirit, a strong self-starter attitude, and willingness to accept challenges – at a level that is unmatched by her counterparts. Brooklynn joined the Emergency Managers professional association and created a proficient LinkedIn profile to connect with professionals in the field. She’s taken this to the next level and sought out opportunities to do informational interviews with professionals in person – building her network. Brooklynn is a motivated young person, blazing a new trail for Brandon University ADES Co-op and women in Applied Disaster and Emergency Management.