Jenna English

I am a fourth year honours student in my final semester. My plan is to go to grad school to study information science or museum studies. I am an intersectional feminist, traveler, unrepentant geek, a bookworm, and I facetiously call myself a Taurus.
During my time at Brandon University, I have been an executive member of the Women’s Collective for the last three years and have worked hard to serve the self-identifying women on campus and better my community. Feminism, activism, and education will always be important to me and I will continue to promote their importance.
Nominator’s Comments
I’d like to nominate Jenna English for this honour.
I had the pleasure of working with Jenna this past term in my Introduction to Public History course. Her coursework was consistently excellent, and she demonstrated herself to be motivated and a self-starter, able to work sensitively and with minimal supervision on complex and challenging subject matter. Jenna is a strong writer and her prose, while sophisticated, is accessible and clear. Although only at the end of her undergraduate studies, she already demonstrates key traits of a seasoned junior scholar and skilled professional. Indeed, she presents, in terms of her work and her professional carriage, as though she were a PhD candidate and not a fourth-year undergraduate.