Eleni Galatsanou Tellidis

What education have you taken?
I completed my undergraduate studies in Greece from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. My four-year degree was in mathematics, statistics and computer science. In 2002, I moved to the United Kingdom where I completed my Master’s of Science in Financial Mathematics, which is a joint program offered by the University of Edinburgh and Heriot Watt University. I am a certified teacher in both Greece and the U.K. In 2016, I started my Bachelor of Education after degree program at Brandon University. I am particularly excited to graduate this spring!
What accomplishments are you proud of?
I am grateful for my accomplishments while completing my education degree at Brandon University, and for being nominated as an outstanding female student. I am very proud of the four scholarships I have received. I would also like to thank my donors for their generosity and support. In addition, I am proud of the work that I have done as an education student with Dr. Mike Nantais, which resulted in the publication of a research paper, a chapter in an e-book, and four conference presentations. I am proud of my work as a researcher and project lead with Brandon University’s Rural Development Institute, which has transformed me as a professional, and opened up many opportunities. As a newcomer to Canada, I have had the opportunity to contribute to Brandon and area by volunteering with Westman Immigrant Services. By working with students from newcomer families, I have gained so much by getting to know these amazing students. Being a mature student with family and kids, my recent schooling did not come easy. I am proud of myself, but I am also very appreciative for the support my husband and children provided.
Tell us about yourself.
Above all, I am a proud mom of two amazing boys, and a grateful wife of a wonderful man.
I was born and raised in Thessaloniki, Greece, where I lived all my life up to the age of twenty-four. After completing my undergraduate degree, I moved to the UK to complete my Master’s degree. I ended up spending 2.5 years in both Edinburgh and Nottingham, UK. In 2005, my fiancé and I decided to move back to Greece where we got married and had our two boys. During our eight years in Greece, I worked as a credit analyst with the Bank of Cyprus. In 2013, my husband landed a job opportunity to come to Canada and we decided to take it. We immigrated here in the spring of 2013. Since then we have settled in Brandon and we made it our home.
How did you become interested in your field of study?
Mathematics has always been my passion since I was a kid. I always felt I was in my element when studying mathematics. In Grade 10, I remember my mathematics teacher who taught us about the quadratic formula, and first introduced us to imaginary (complex) numbers, saying that only the students who are going to decide to take advanced mathematics in Grade 12 will learn about those numbers. I found it so fascinating that there were other numbers that I knew nothing about. From that moment, I realized that I had to go all the way, to learn all the mathematics that existed out there somewhere. Well that curiosity led to an undergraduate degree and then a master’s in mathematics. In all my previous careers, I have always looked for the hidden mathematics behind everything I did. Years later, when I decided to go into education, I aspired to spark the same curiosity, as my mathematics teacher did for me, to ignite my students’ imaginations, which will help them grow and find their own passion in life.
What is your philosophy in life?
My philosophy in life can be summarized in the following; be a respectful, fair, and honest person. Treat others the way you want to be treated and build meaningful relationships because that is what stays. Whatever you choose to do; do it well. Strive for excellence not mediocrity. Apply a professional and ethical attitude in everything you do. Work hard, since nothing in life comes easy. Embrace change and take risks. The world will not move forward if we stay the same. Do not forget to take care of yourself. No one else will do that for you. Some inspirational quotes I live by are; “the only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing,” by Socrates. Learning is a journey that never ends. Keep learning, keep growing. Secondly, a “growth mindset is based on the belief that your basic qualities are things you can cultivate through your efforts […] everyone can change and grow through application,” by Carol Dweck. Finally, according to Angela Duckworth, “our potential is one thing, what we do with it is quite another.“
Where do you see yourself in the future?
I would like to see myself continue learning and growing and being open to opportunities. Teaching in Brandon or close by, high school advanced mathematics, computer science, or business courses would be ideal.
Nominator’s Comments:
I have taught Eleni in two courses and she is currently taking a third. She comes to us from Greece with a M.Sc. in Mathematics and has been also working as a research associate with RDI. She decided last year to pursue a B.Ed. (A.D.) in order to teach in Manitoba. Eleni juggles her studies with being a mom and wife. She is extremely hard working and is eager to learn. She is passionate about computational thinking and has explored the coding movement through her B.Ed. course work and by delivering workshops for teachers. Last year she took on learning about coding using Sphero robots as part of a Computer Science methods course, and shared her learning with the Using ICT in Education classes in the middle and early years streams. This year, she has taken this passion to a new level, and conducted a workshop at the provincial MTS PD Day on behalf of the Manitoba Association for Computing Educators (ManACE), and is accepted to present workshops for several conferences, including WESTCAST, BYTE and Riding the Wave, the latter two are conferences for teachers across the Province. In addition, she has had an article published in the ManACE Journal, and a chapter in the eBook Education and Technology: Manitoba Makers and Coders. Eleni is also a co-investigator in a research project about coding, along with myself and a local teacher from Vincent Massey High School. Eleni is looked up to by her fellow teacher candidates, and is certainly worthy of this recognition.