Kelly Whitmore

What education have you taken?
I spent one semester at the University of Manitoba, decided it was not for me and took off to New Zealand, Australia and Fiji for 4 months. When I got back, I knew I wanted to go back to school and decided on Brandon University. I am in my third year in Physical Education and plan to be in Education next year barring all sporadic decisions that I tend to make!
What accomplishments are you proud of?
Well this one for sure!
I got the Dr. Bernard K. Jukpor scholarship this year.
I volunteer for CancerCare Manitoba as much as I can.
Russell Luce and I have started the Brandon University Endurance Club, which has started well and we only plan on making it better.
I am very proud to be part of BUPEC (Brandon University Physical Education Club).
I have really enjoyed the opportunity to AT (athletic therapy) and manage the men’s basketball team this year and hope to continue with this next year as well.
Tell me about yourself/ your background/ your history.
Wow, where to start… I would like to say I am a fairly grounded individual and I would like to credit my upbringing for that. My dad took us on all these wild canoe trips growing up (we paddled to Churchill and York Factory to name the cool places we have gone) and I think these really made us appreciate everything we have when we would get out of the bush.
I graduated from high school with my French Immersion certification from Vincent Massey in Winnipeg Manitoba.
How did you become interested in your field of study?
I would absolutely have to credit my Physical Education teachers in all of my schools. M. Wallack, Mme. Lesveque, Mr. Ditter and Mme. MacAulay. These individuals are absolutely the reason that I love this field. The Professors at Brandon University have only solidified my certainty that I am in the right field of study. A big Thank You goes out to Steve Dzubinski, Daryle McCannell, Gil Cheung and Grant Wilson.
I would also absolutely have to thank my parents for the countless opportunities to be involved in ANY sport that I could think of (soccer, track, rugby, horseback riding, swimming, gymnastics, triathlons, snowboarding, skiing, volleyballl, basketball, cross country…).
What is your philosophy in life?
Oh my, I have never excelled at expressing myself through words… but I guess I would have to say to make the most out of any situation that you are given. Life will play out the way it is going to so as long as you make the most out of everything (even the little things) then you will have few regrets. Life is a gift, enjoy it!
Where do you see yourself in the future?
These are all such difficult questions! In the future eh? I’m not too sure; I have a hard time seeing myself next week, let alone the future… I would love to teach and make an impact on some students just like my educators made an impact on me. I would like to think that I will get married one day and give my children all the support and love that my parents have given me. They mean the world to me and I hope I can be as supportive as they have been.
Nominator’s Comments
Kelly is an excellent student majoring in Physical Education with a French Minor. She is fluent in French and English. Kelly has completed a number of Certifications and Workshops: Run, Jump, Throw Certificaton; Club Coach Cerfification; and CPR Certification. Her volunteer experience includes being the Student Manager with Bobcat Men’s Basketball team, being a contributing member of the Brandon University Physical Education Club, serving as Secretary and Treasurer of McMaster Hall Council, the Assistant Rugby Coach at Vincent Massey High School (Girl’s Team), and Fundraising Captain and Walk Leader for Challenge for Life – the 20 km walk for CancerCare Manitoba. Besides being involved, Kelly maintains a solid gpa. She is applying to the B.Ed program at BU for this Fall. Kelly is enthusiastic about life in general and not only maintains a healthy active lifestyle but promotes it as well.