Katelyn Wozny

What education have you taken?
My education began in Ukrainian Bilingual studies, which I took from preschool until grade 8. I then went on to the Dauphin Regional Comprehensive Secondary School for my high school education. In the fall after graduation, I moved to Brandon to obtain my Bachelors in Business Administration and minor in Rural and Community studies, of which I am currently completing my final year.
What accomplishments are you proud of?
I have been very honoured during my time at Brandon University in obtaining scholarships including: the W. Garfield Weston Foundation Scholarship in Accounting, Westoba Credit Union Business Scholarship, Mr. Sub Scholarship, Jacobson Family Business Scholarship, and Manitoba Rural Initiatives Undergraduate Scholarship in Rural & Community Studies. I have also been placed on the honours list and inducted into the President’s Honour Society.
As well, I have been part of the student volunteer organization, Enactus (formerly SIFE) that has many projects that better the local community. We compete with Enactus teams throughout the country and world, and I had the experience of attending Regional and National competitions in 2011, where we obtained multiple trophies, including National Runner-ups for the “Go Green Challenge”.
This is my second year in taking on the role of Project Manager for the Trendsetters Fashion Show, Enactus Brandon’s longest running project and largest fundraiser. I have improved this event and made it into something that deserves the name, expanding the geographical area of clothing retailers participating, more than tripling the attendance the night of the show, and creating a volunteer/sponsorship base to make the function possible into the future.
Tell me about yourself/ your background/ your history.
I was born and raised in Dauphin Manitoba, in a family of Ukrainian heritage. I grew up in a home with a very loving and supportive mother, father, and baba (grandma), spending most of my years as the only child in the home, as my half-siblings are quite a bit older than me. Because of this fact, I have had the absolute joy of being a proud auntie since I was 7 years old, and now have two nephews, two nieces, and a step-nephew and step-niece. No matter what kind of day I’m having, seeing a picture of them will always brighten my day!
As I had said, I came from a very Ukrainian cultural background, one of my first words being “sche” (more). One of the best things in my life has been moving to Brandon and engaging and experiencing different cultures, outlooks, and opinions. Group projects in class have always been enjoyable because I am always intrigued when people have ideas that would have never even occurred to me, and it is partly because of our different background and experiences.
How did you become interested in your field of study?
It was honestly one of those “gut instinct” moments. I had spent my grade 12 year doing in-depth research into the possible career paths I could take. With just a month left before I began at BU, I had to choose a major. I went and spoke with a professor from the university and when I walked out of the meeting I said, “Business sounds good.” I also registered for courses in other departments to ensure that I did not regret my decision, which I haven’t. I have fully enjoyed the path my intuitive moment led me to.
What is your philosophy in life?
The motto that I apply to everything I do is something my dad said to me at a young age: “If your name is going to be on something, it better be to the best of your ability. Why bother doing something if you aren’t going to do it right?” Now, whenever I accomplish a task, whether for school, work, or myself, I want it to be done well so that I can be proud of it.
Work hard and you will reap the benefits. You can sit and wait for an opportunity to come, or you can go out and earn it.
Also, it is ok to be considered the “quiet one”. You learn a lot more by listening than talking. It also allows you to completely shock people when you say or do something superbly, as some seem to think a quiet mouth means a quiet mind and so it leaves them in wonder, which can be fun.
Where do you see yourself in the future?
Every single long-term plan I have considered since I was 15 years old has completely changed. Therefore, I am not going to even attempt answering where I may be, or what I may be doing. All I know is that I will be enjoying life, in a career that I am passionate about, surrounded by people I love. That sounds like a pretty good future to me.
Nominator’s Comments
Katelyn has consistently been at or near the top of her class from a grade perspective. Her written work is especially well crafted, thoughtful and actually a delight to read. She has demonstrated a quiet focus to her work, and clearly takes great pride in the end product.
In December 2012 she presented, along with her partner, a business plan for a personal care service that would allow seniors to remain independent and busy professionals to stay on top of their lives. Their business was to be called “A Friend in Deed”. While their presentation was well done, the written plan was exceptional. They achieved the highest grade in the class for their project and will be receiving two awards in the spring as a result.
Katelyn’s quiet demeanor may result in her being overlooked, but she has proven in her class work that she has a strong mind and the sheer determination to accomplish great things.