Danielle Dinsdale

What education have you taken?
I’m currently in my third year of a Bachelor of Science Degree at Brandon University with a major in Chemistry and a double minor in Math and Physics. Prior to BU, I went to Crocus Plains Regional Secondary School where I graduated with an academic degree.
What accomplishments are you proud of?
Well this one time in high school I went to check out the engineering department at the University of Manitoba and the students were split into groups and each group had to design and build a simple rocket; then they were shot at a target. My group had the only rocket to actually hit the target and we ended up winning first place, so that was a proud moment! Also in high school I was my rugby teams Forward Captain for three years in a row.
Other than that I’ve been on the Honor Roll from grade 5 to the present. After my first year of studies at BU I was invited to join the Golden Key International Honour Society. Throughout the years at BU I’ve been the recipient of a few scholarships including the Brandon Clinic Scholarship in 2nd Year Chemistry and a UFCW General Scholarship.
Tell me about yourself/ background/ history.
Well I was born and raised in Brandon, Manitoba! Throughout my life I have participated in many different sports, both through school programs and through summer/fall community leagues, my favourites being badminton, rugby, and cross country skiing. I’ve also had the pleasure of playing and studying music with a variety of different instruments, my favourite being the classical guitar. For the past few years I’ve been able to learn to play the bass guitar and that has enabled me to volunteer at my local church helping out on the various worship teams there.
I‘ve come to enjoy participating in school activities a lot more over the past few years. This year in particular I’ve become a member of the chemistry club and been able to help out planning various events throughout the year and more recently was able to help run a demonstration for Winterlude.
How did you become interested in your field of study?
I’m not going to lie; I have always loved gazing at the alluring colours created by various chemical compounds! But in all seriousness, from middle school science to university level chemistry classes I’ve had teachers and professors that were enthusiastic and knowledgeable in the subject matter and that fact really helped me to get excited about it as well. In university some of the most fun times I’ve had have been in chemistry labs where we’ve done synthesis procedures, which is part of the reason why I wish to pursue a degree in some form of synthetic chemistry.
What is your philosophy in life?
I’ve come to realize the importance of being kind, long-suffering, and compassionate with the people you come into contact with, for you never know the trials and hardships that people endure.
Where do you see yourself in the future?
After graduation I hope to continue my studies in chemistry by attending graduate school with the end goal of becoming a synthetic researcher. I also hope to be able to do plenty of traveling while meeting many interesting people!
Nominator’s Comments
Danielle is very bright and especially hard working and is therefore deserving of this award.