Shawna Prokopowich

What education have you taken?
I completed Grades K-12 in Dauphin, MB. I was in a French Immersion program and have continued to use that education as an adult. Following high school, I decided to remain in Dauphin to pursue family life. It was after I had my children that I decided to continue my education. I am currently enrolled in the BUNTEP (Brandon University Northern Teacher Education Program) in Dauphin. I will graduate in the spring of 2011 with a Bachelor of Arts and an after-degree in Education.
What accomplishments are you proud of?
I am an active member of my community. I am a parent volunteer at my children’s school. I attend all of their field trips and help fund-raise for various projects. I volunteer for my children’s extracurricular activities, including minor hockey, highland dance, junior curling, and golf. I also take part in activities at our church. I am class chair of our BUNTEP class, as well as chair of our grad committee. I am an active promoter and advocate for the continuation of post-secondary education in our area.
Tell me about yourself.
I currently reside in Dauphin, the town I grew up in. My husband and I have been married for eleven years and have two beautiful children. Our daughter, Lane, is nine yeas old, and our son, Eric, is six. As a child, I was active in many extra-curricular activities. I enjoyed figure skating, piano lessons, and tap dancing. As an adult, I enjoy golfing, ladies curling, reading, and spending time with family and close friends.
How did you become interested in your field of study?
I have wanted to be a teacher since I was a young child. Following graduation, I worked as a librarian for our local school division. I have always enjoyed working with children and students. I had the opportunity and pleasure to teach a term last fall as a grade one teacher in the same school I attended as a child. Each time I am in the classroom, I am reminded of my ambition to teach and make a difference in a student’s life. Children have so much to give and to share. We should appreciate and celebrate their accomplishments and their contributions.
What is your philosophy in life?
I believe, “There will never be another today. Live each day to its fullest. Respect those around you, cherish those you love, and be kind to yourself.”
Where do you see yourself in the future?
I see myself teaching in the near future. I would love to teach in a French immersion classroom. Our family plans to remain here in Dauphin, and I look forward to participating in enhancing our city and its venues. It is a wonderful place to raise a family. I hope to travel in the future, to expose my children to different cultures and beauties of the world.
Nominator’s Commendation
“Shawna Prokopowich is a 5th year Education student. She started in the BUNTEP program at the Dauphin Center in 2005. She currently lives in Dauphin, is married and a full-time mother of two children. She is involved in her community: volunteering for minor hockey, highland dance, and her church. She is the chairperson for the BUNTEP class, as well as on the graduating committee. She has kept a high grade point average despite being a full-time wife, mother, and volunteer. She took a leave of absence from the program to teach a 4-month term at a French immersion elementary school in Dauphin. She is now taking online courses as well as her regular courseload in order to graduate with her class. She regularly attends professional development sessions, as she believes strongly in continually educating herself. Her hobbies include golf, reading, camping, curling, and attending her children’s and students’ local events.”