Shannon Chapman

What education have you taken?
I graduated from high school in 2007. Immediately after, I auditioned and was accepted to the Brandon University School of Music. I am completing my third year of a four-year performancedegree.
What accomplishments are you proud of?
I’m proud to be part of such an independent,flourishing music school as the Brandon University School of Music, especially the jazz program which had such humble beginnings. I’m also proud of my grades and especially of myprogress as a musician over the last three years.
Tell me about yourself.
I was born in Edmonton and have lived there and in Winnipeg, but most of my public school education was completed in The Pas, Manitoba. I was always interested in the arts, and it was through the arts that I most enjoyed myself and developed a personal identity.
How did you become interested in your field of study?
There was never any question that I was going to study music. After a few years of piano lessons, I started taking band in middle school and loved it . . . andit took off from there. I realized that this was where my talent resided and did everything I could to gain experience in musicover the next six years. I took all the music classes offered bymy highschool, joined local choirs, entered in piano competitions, went on band trips and to music camps – everything I could get my hands on.
What is your philosophy in life?
Although it’s difficult, I try to remain positive and stick it out whenthe work getstough. Feeling sorry for myself won’t get anything done, and if I just persevere and try my best to get through it,I come out on the other side feeling like I have accomplished something and made a difference in my life and my education.
Where do you see yourself in the future?
After completing my grad studies, I hope to make my career out of acombination of performing, recording and teaching. I’d like to travel and collaborate with other musicians on projects where I can be challenged and learn about different points of view and ideas. I want to experience music in new ways.
Nominator’s Commendation
“Shannon Chapman is an exceptional woman on campus.Shannon is a saxophonist, currently completing her third year in the Jazz Performance Program.Shannon is from The Pas, a small city with a small band program.Despite the relative isolation of her upbringing, Shannon entered the School of Music as a very promising and advanced student.She was a high achiever in her high school program, composing and arranging music for her jazz band, and conspicuously excelling in her performances.She drew positive attention from adjudicators at the Norman Jazz Festival and the Brandon Jazz Festival.In her time at Brandon University, Shannon has made enormous strides in her musicianship and her academic knowledge.She has held or shared the lead tenor chair in the School of Music’s top big band for the last two years, has performed professionally in the Westman area, works as a clinician and private saxophone instructor in Brandon, and serves as the Large Ensemble Assistant for Michael Cain this past year.Shannon’s work exudes enthusiasm, high standards, and intelligence. She has been an asset to the School of Music, and continues to make wonderful contributions to the life of our University.”