Jenna Cameron

What education have you taken?
I am currently finishing my final year of my Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in Gender and Women’s Studies and a double minor in Political Science and Theatre
What accomplishments are you proud of?
In 2007 I was awarded Young Woman of Distinction through the YWCA. I was also chosen for the National Millennium Scholarship in 2007. In 2005 and 2006 I placed first in the Provincial Music and Speech Arts Finals for Grades 10-12 Poetry and Prose. In 2006 and 2007 I was awarded the Kaye and G.R. Rowe Memorial Scholarship for Speech Arts.Over Christmas break in both 2007 and 2008 I travelled to Louisiana and Mississippi with Presbyterian Disaster Assistance to assist with rebuilding after Hurricane Katrina. I am the co-founder of the Emma Foundation which offers workshops to raise self-esteem in girls in grades 6-11.Since 2006 I have been keynote speaking and running workshops throughout Brandon and Manitoba, at camps, conferences and seminars. This past summer I spent two months in Ghana, leading a girls leadership group and also teaching HIV/AIDS education in junior high schools.
Tell me about yourself.
I grew up in Brandon and graduated from Crocus Plains in 2007. For many years I have been involved in music, sports, theatre and public speaking. I co-chaired the Youth Making a Difference Committee in 2006-2007 which hosted Stephen Lewis in April of 2007 at a day-long conference. As president of Student Council and a member of Youth in Philanthropy I was made aware of the many organizations in Brandon and surrounding areas.
How did you become interested in your field of study?
I chose to major in Gender and Women’s Studies after taking two courses in my first year. I loved both the global relevance and constant emergence of new research. There is a tie between what I learn in Gender and Women Studies and what I learn in Political Science and I am always finding connections between the two areas of study.
What is your philosophy in life?
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world, indeed it is the only thing that ever has.” I came across this quote by Margaret Mead just as I was entering high school and have taken inspiration from it ever since.
Where do you see yourself in the future?
I am planning to go onto a second degree and pursue a career in Social Work. Throughout my life I hope to continue meeting people who inspire me to take action in my own community. I love traveling and learning about different ways of life and I hope to continue to have these experiences in my future.
Nominator’s commendation:
“Jenna Cameron is truly exceptional. Her academic excellence is surpassed only by her contribution to the cause of social justice. She has: worked for habitat for humanity, done development work in Ghana, campaigned for Obama, as well as other activities closer to home.
In addition she is a frequent actor in the productions of Seven Ages and Mecca theatres. In 2010 she will play Puck in A Midsummer Night’s Dream as well as play the lead role in the BU Theatre production of Scorched.
Add all that to a consistently high GPA and I can recommend her to you without hesitation.”