Ashley Ewasiuk

What education have you taken?
I am in my second year of 3 year bachelor of science degree, majoring in chemistry.I enjoy the problem solving challenges of the natural sciences.
Tell me about yourself.
I am a nineteen year old from Forrest, MB.I’m a passionate individual; I love to learn.I Ukrainian danced for 11 years and now I’m in my third year of instructing dance.I’ve curled for over ten years and I’m involved in competitive junior curling.This year my team placed 4
at provincials.I was the 2009 winner of the Edna Moffatt Spirit of Youth Curling Scholarship.
How did you become interested in your field of study?
I have applied to U of M’s Faculty of Pharmacy for next year.I want to be involved in health care because I enjoy working with the public and I want to help people.I basically became interested in pharmacy through job shadowing at the hospital.
What accomplishments are you proud of?
I was a 2008 Millennium Excellence Award winner.I also won the Governor General’s Award as well as the Highest Graduating Standing in Rolling River School Division in 2008.
I received the John and Catherine Robbins Entrance Scholarship from BU.
I’m a member of the chemistry club here at BU.I tutor general chemistry and high school math.I’m involved in student leadership, last year a student leader and this year a student leader coordinator.I was student council co-president in my graduating year of high school.
What is your philosophy in life?
My personal philosophy:Try things that scare you.I find that when I push myself out of my comfort zone I discover new things about myself.You learn about the world and you learn about yourself.Why not give it a try?!
One thing that I’ve definitely learned in my university career is that life does not go exactly the way you plan it to, but it always finds a way of working out.
Where do you see yourself in the future?
In the future I see myself eventually obtaining a management position in a hospital.I also would like to be involved in local politics.Hopefully I will have travelled lots and be completely fluent in French.I would love to learn Spanish as well.
Nominators’ commendations:
Ashley is a good student who also excels in curling and finds time to help fellow students, through the Chemistry club, and as a student leader.She is a strong critical thinker, an independent worker, and a personable and one of our strongest students!