Winnipeg Institute for Theoretical Physics Summer Symposium

We are pleased to host the Winnipeg Institute for Theoretical Physics (WITP) Summer Symposium 2018 at Brandon University in Brandon, Manitoba. The Symposium will be held in the Brodie Science Building of Brandon University, Monday August 27, 2018


We invite any students and postdocs working in theoretical physics and related areas to submit an abstract for a talk.

Please send a title/abstract to: ideally using the Presentation Abstract .tex file Rename the file to your name and send only the .tex file (no need for the pdf version).  You can also simply email the title/abstract as plain text. The deadline for title and abstract submission is August 20th.


Registration is free but please email, regardless of whether or not you are giving a talk, by August 20th so we can order food accurately.

In the email, please include:

  • name of participant(s) (if you are a faculty member you can register your student or postdoc at the same time)
  • title and abstract of your talk (or your student’s or postdoc’s talk, if applicable)
  • any food restrictions (snacks, coffee, and lunch will be provided)
  • if you need a parking pass (I’m assuming some people will be able to carpool)


PDF of Program available here

Getting here…

Driving from Winnipeg takes roughly 2.5 hours; please allocate additional time for traffic or carpooling delays. Please email for a parking pass no later than August 20th.

Click here for the official campus map.