Indigenous Content Course Requirement

Indigenous Content Course Requirement:

As mandated by Senate, all students beginning a new undergraduate degree program as of Fall 2023 must successfully complete at least 3 credit hours of course work that includes Indigenous content.

Indigenous Curricular Content Committee:

The Indigenous Curricular Content (ICC) Committee is a standing sub-committee of Senate consisting of:

  1. the Provost & Vice‐President (Academic), or designate, who shall serve as co‐Chair, along with
  2. the Associate Vice‐President, Indigenous Initiatives, co‐Chair;
  3. the Chair of the Native Studies Department;
  4. the Director of the Indigenous Peoples’ Centre;
  5. one or more Knowledge Keepers, appointed by the Associate Vice‐President, Indigenous Initiatives;
  6. one academic Dean, elected by the Deans’ Council;
  7. One (1) undergraduate student appointed by the Director of the Indigenous Peoples’ Centre, for a one‐year term; and
  8. One (1) representative from Senate eligible members, for a one‐year term.

The Committee shall:

  1. serve as a consultation resource for faculty members and departments seeking to include Indigenous content in their courses and/or have courses approved to satisfy the Indigenous Content Course Requirement;
  2. determine appropriate criteria and processes by which courses will be evaluated for Indigenous content;
  3. recommend courses that will satisfy the Indigenous Content Course Requirement;
  4. determine appropriate review cycles and review processes for courses approved to satisfy the Indigenous Content Course Requirement;
  5. conduct reviews of courses approved to satisfy the Indigenous Content Course Requirement in accordance with the review cycles and processes determined above;
  6. recommend continuation or removal of courses from the list of courses approved to satisfy the Indigenous Content Course Requirement;
  7. conduct periodic reviews of the criteria and processes by which courses will be evaluated for inclusion on the Indigenous Content Course Requirement list; and
  8. make recommendations to Senate on Indigenous content curriculum matters.