Recent Publications and Presentations

Sample Publications and Presentations:
Christopher Malcolm
Malcolm, C.D., D. Ramsey, and D. Eberts. 2024. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on youth recreational hockey in southwestern Manitoba, Canada: Opinions and observations of player parents and hockey association directors. International Journal of Sport and Society. 15(2).
Malcolm, C.D. & R.M. Chavez Dagostino. 2024. Resident and tourist attitudes toward urban crocodiles (Crocodylus acutus) and crocodile management in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico. Presented at the Pathways Europe: Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conference, Cordoba, Spain, Oct. 13-16.
Malcolm, C.D. 2023. The importance of museums to rural and small towns in Manitoba, Canada. Journal of Rural and Community Development. 18(2), 84-104.
Malcolm, C.D., D. Ramsey, & D. Eberts. 2023. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on youth recreational hockey in southwestern Manitoba: Opinions and observations of player parents and hockey association directors. Presented at the 17th Canadian Congress on Leisure Research, Ottawa, May 23-26.
Malcolm, C.D., M.L. Bravo Olivas, and R.M. Chavez Dagostino. 2021. Reported capture, fishery perceptions, and attitudes toward fisheries management of urban and rural artisanal, small-scale fishers along the Bahía de Banderas coast, Mexico. Environmental Challenges. 4.
Cornejo Ortega, J.L. and C. D. Maldolm. 2020. Touristic Stakeholders’ Perceptions About the Smart Tourism Destination Concept in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico. Sustainability, 12. doi:10.3390/su12051741.
Chavez Dagostino, R.M. and C.D. Malcolm. 2019. Introducción. In La Pesca Deportiva en la Bahía de Banderas, Analisis Regional et Tourismo (ART), CUC, Universidad de Guadalajara.
Chavez Dagostino, R.M., C.D. Malcolm, & J. L. Cornejo Ortega. 2019. Perfil de los pescadores deportivos y los operadores de servicios de pesca deportiva en la bahía. In La Pesca Deportiva en la Bahía de Banderas, Analisis Regional et Tourismo (ART), CUC, Universidad de Guadalajara.
Cornejo Ortega, J.L., R.M. Chavez Dagostino, & C.D. Malcolm. 2018. Whale watcher characteristics, expectation-satisfaction, and opinions about whale watching for private vs. community-based companies in Bahía de Banderas, Mexico. International Journal of Sustainable Development & Planning, 13(5): 790-804.
Ramsey, D. and C. Malcolm. 2018. Destination Tourism in Rural Areas: The Case of the Morden Fossil Discovery Centre, Manitoba. The Canadian Geographer. 62(2): 250-265.
Malcolm, C.D., R.M. Chavez Dagostino, & J.L. Cornejo Ortega. 2017. Experiential and learning desires of whale watching guides versus tourists in Bahía de Banderas, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 22(6): 524-537, DOI: 10.1080/10871209.2017.1367442.
Malcolm, C.D. 2016. Provincial Parks and Protected Areas. In, P. Dearden, R. Rollins, & M. Needham, eds., Parks and Protected Areas in Canada: Planning and Management (4th ed)., Oxford University Press Canada, Toronto, pp. 213-242.
Bravo Olivas, M.L., R.M. Chavez Dagostino, C.D. Malcolm, & R. Espinoza Sanchez. 2015. Notes on the quality of life of artisanal small-scale fishermen along the Pacific Coast of Jalisco, México. Sustainability, 7: 6046-6068. DOI:10.3390/su7056046.
Malcolm, C. and D. Ramsey. 2014. Specialization and Importance-Performance in Visitors to a Natural History Museum: The Canadian Fossil Discovery Centre. European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation. 5(1):9-34.
Malcolm, C. D., & Duffus, D. A. (2003). Can whale-watching convey an important message of conservation?: An initial perspective from British Columbia, Canada. Prairie perspectives: Geographical essays, 6 (175-190). Winnipeg, MB: University of Winnipeg Printing Services.
Malcolm, C. D., Wilson, H. F., & Champagne, J. (2003). Yellow rail census and birder visitation at Douglas Marsh, summer 2003: A pilot study to establish research and conservation needs. Submitted to the Douglas Marsh Community Action Committee, Brandon, MB, November.
Doug Ramsey
Ramsey, D. and T. Thimm. 2019. Cross-border Shopping Between Switzerland and Germany: Tensions With Growth. European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation. 9(1): 3-17.
Benoit, A., Johnston, T., Maclachan, I. and D. Ramsey. 2018. Identifying Ranching Landscape Values in the Calgary, Alberta Region: Implications for Land-Use Planning. The Canadian Geographer. 62(2): 212-224.
Ramsey, D. and C. Malcolm. 2018. Destination Tourism in Rural Areas: The Case of the Morden Fossil Discovery Centre, Manitoba. The Canadian Geographer. 62(2): 250-265.
Rockett, J. and D. Ramsey. 2017. Rural Revitalization Through Tourism: The Case of Fogo and Change Islands, Newfoundland, Canada. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change. 15(4): 299-318.
Malcolm, C. and D. Ramsey. 2014. Specialization and Importance-Performance in Visitors to a Natural History Museum: The Canadian Fossil Discovery Centre. European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation. 5(1):9-34.
Ramsey, D., & Everitt, J. (2008). If you dig it, they will come! Archaeology Heritage Sites and Tourism Development in Belize, Central America. Tourism Management, 29, 909-916.
Ramsey, D., & Everitt, J. (2008). You better Belize it! The Development of Tourism in Belize, Central America. Tourism Research Journal, 1(1), 1-14.
Ramsey, D., & Everitt, J. (2007). Route-based tourism development and the ‘turkey trail’ in Manitoba. Prairie Forum 31(2), 87-110.
Ian Puppe
Puppe, I. (2021). When the Bough Breaks: Balancing Heritage, Forestry, and Unsustainable Standards in Algonquin Provincial Park. In Graham et al. (eds.) The Social Life of Standards: Ethnographic Methods for Local Engagement. UBC Press, Vancouver.
Puppe, I. (2021). “With all the ghosts that haunt the park…”: haunted recreation in Brent (Ontario). Ethnologia Actualis 21(1): 82-101.
Derrek Eberts
Eberts, D., D. Ramsey, & C. Malcolm. 2023. The impact of COVID-19 on golf courses in southern Manitoba. Presented at the 17th Canadian Congress on Leisure Research, Ottawa, May 23-26.
Eberts, D. and R. Espinoza Sanchez. 2016. Perceptions of Impacts of a Tourism Mega-Project in a Rural and Remote Region in Jalisco State, Mexico: The New Cancun. Paper presented at the 2016 annual meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers, Halifax, Nova Scotia. (click here for presentation: eberts-sanchez-2016)
Eberts, D and R. Espinoza Sanchez. 2015. Cultural Sustainability of Tourism in Rural Communities Near Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Paper presented at the 2015 annual meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers, Vancouver, British Columbia. (click here for presentation: eberts-sanchez-2015)
Eberts, D., 2014. “Neolocalism and the Branding and Marketing of Place by Canadian Microbreweries.” in M. Patterson and N. Hoalst-Pullen (eds.) The Geography of Beer: Regions, Environment, and Societies. New York: Springer. pp. 189-199.
Eberts, D., & Ramsey, R. D. (2010). On the fringe of green: Golf as an urban-rural interface land use activity. In K. Beesley (Ed.), The Rural-Urban Fringe: Conflict and Controversy.
Eberts, D. (November, 2008). Heterolocalism and heritage dissonance in an ethnic recreational landscape: Ontario ‘s Polish cottage country. Paper presented at Re-Exploring Canadian Space, an International and Multidisciplinary Conference hosted by The Canadian Studies Centre at the University of Groningen, Groningen , The Netherlands.
Eberts, D. (September, 2007). Tacos or tequila? Tourism and the commodification of culture: Exploring the Geography of Restaurants in Downtown Puerto Vallarta . Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers, Prairie Division, Weyburn , SK.
John Everitt
John Everitt, Bryan H. Massam, Rosa M. Chávez-Dagostino, Rodrigo Espinoza Sanchez, Edmundo Andrade Romo. 2008. Imprints of tourism on Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico. The Canadian Geographer 52(1), 83-104.
Ramsey, R. D., & Everitt, J. (2008). Tourism as a development strategy in Belize, Central America. Caribbean Tourism Research Journal 1(1).
Ramsey, R. D., & Everitt, J. (2007). Route-based Tourism Development and the ‘Turkey Trail’ in Manitoba, Canada. Prairie Forum 32(1), 87-110.
Bryan H. Massam, John Everitt, Rosa M. Chávez-Dagostino, Rodrigo Espinoza Sanchez, Edmundo Andrade Romo. (February 2007). Holiday in the sun: the impacts of tourism on Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico. Discussion Paper No. 58. (Department of Geography, York University) ISBN 978-1-55014-480-2.
Mosset, K. L., Everitt, J. C., & Malcolm, C. D. (2005). An exploration of recreation and tourism in Brandon, Manitoba. Prairie Perspectives: Geographical Essays 8 (74-92).
Kim Lemky
Lemky, Kim, Lee Jolliffe, and Michael Conlin. (2014). Ships, Tourists and Trains: Railway Heritage Tourism and the Cruise Market. Railway Heritage and Tourism: a comprehensive global perspective, Michael Conlin and Geoffrey Bird (eds.). Channel View Publications: Canada. Pp. 55-72.
Lemky, Kim and Joliffe, Lee. 2010. Mining Heritage and Tourism in the former coal mining communities of Cape Breton Island, Canada. Mining Heritage and Tourism: A Global Synthesis, Michael Conlin and Lee Jolliffe (eds). Routledge: Canada. Pp. 144-157.