Context and People

As the tourism industry grows locally, nationally, and internationally, so does the need for tourism research!

Rationale for Establishing a Research Centre for Tourism:

  1. Several faculty members were engaged in tourism research on campus
  2. Tourism is the fastest growing industry in the world
  3. Current trend towards tourism development in Manitoba
  4. Rural Development and Geography courses on tourism at Brandon University
  5. History of tourism research and publication in the Rural Development Institute

Current Members of the TRC (*denotes founding member):

  • Dr. Doug Ramsey*, Department of Rural Development, Brandon University (Coordinator)
  • Dr. Chris Malcolm*, Department of Geography and Environment, Brandon University (Vice Chair and Secretary)
  • Dr. Ian Puppe, Department of Native Studies, Brandon University (newest member)

Honorary Members of the TRC (*denotes founding member):

  • Dr. Derrek Eberts*, now Dean, Luther College, University of Regina
  • Dr. John Everitt*, (retired)
  • Dr. Kim Lemky, now at Aurora College, NWT
  • Dr. Dan Olsen, now at Brigham Young University, Utah