Responding to a Disclosure of Sexualized Violence

If you receive a disclosure of sexualized violence, it is important to inform the person making the disclosure of your commitment to keep all the information that is provided. It is also important to inform the person disclosing that there are limits to confidentiality (please refer to Confidentiality Section of the Brandon University Sexualized Violence Policy).

Sexual Violence Education Prevention Coordinator (SVEPC)

When an individual discloses an experience of sexualized violence, direct or offer to accompany them to the Sexual Violence Education Prevention Coordinator’s office:

This office has experience in responding in instances of sexualized violence and is in the best position to provide referrals for support and outline information about the options and processes available for complainants, as students, staff or faculty. Wherever possible, the referral to the SVEPC should be made before the person discloses the details of the incident of sexualized violence and/or any identifying information about the parties involved.

Another option is to give them the 24-hour Toll Free Klinic Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-888-292-7565 if they would rather seek assistance from an agency outside the University.

To facilitate a connection with the SVEPC, ask the individual disclosing if they would like more information about the role of the SVEPC. The SVEPC can provide the following services as requested by the survivor:

  • Assist in the coordination of safety planning.
  • Facilitate referrals to University resources and community agencies.
  • Coordinate academic/workplace accommodations though the respective offices.
  • Coordinate housing relocation for students on campus.
  • Coordinate referral to medical services.
  • Coordinate referrals to internal and external trauma-informed counselling services.
  • Provide assistance and information regarding criminal and non-criminal reporting options.
  • Assist with decision making and navigating University processes or legal systems.
  • Manage the flow of information among departments and offices, with explicit and informed consent from the survivor.

It is important that people supporting complainant/ survivors or receiving disclosures have access to support themselves. If you would like to speak with someone, you can contact the SVEPC Coordinator to de-brief or provide you with an appropriate referral.

If you receive a Disclosure of Sexualized Violence:

  1. Assess Immediate Safety
  2. Inform Complainant/Survivor of Limitations of Confidentiality.
  3. Listen without judgement.
  4. Refer or Accompany the Individual to the SVEPC.

If at any point in the disclosure process you are unsure of how to proceed, contact the SVEPC at 204-727-9740,

1.) Assess Immediate Safety

If at all possible, try and ensure the disclosure takes place in a space the survivor feels comfortable, safe and where their privacy is protected. Ask the individual if their immediate safety is at risk.

Please Note: if their immediate safety is at risk or any other member of the Brandon University community is at risk, contact Security Services at 24 hours a day at 204-727-7498 or call 911.

If you are witnessing a current act of violence on campus, contact security services at 204-727-7498 or Brandon Police Service at 204-729-2345 or 911.

If the individual is not at immediate risk, ensure the individual if they are somewhere they feel safe and comfortable.

Please Note: Security Services will only contact Police Services with the consent of the survivor/complainant, unless it is their assessment that there is imminent risk to the safety of the individual or the broader community.

2.) Limitations of Confidentiality

It is your responsibility to inform the person making the disclosure of any limits to confidentiality before they disclose identifying information. If you are unsure of any limitations to confidentiality, offer to refer the individual to the SVEPC (Room 312, Clark Hall), 204-727-9740,

3.) Listen Without Judgement

A supportive and validating initial response that is trauma-informed to sexualized violence can make a significant difference for complainants/survivors who may be apprehensive about sharing deeply personal or difficult information. The following are some ways you can communicate support and concern to a survivor:

  • Allow the survivor to maintain as much control over the pace of the disclosure as possible. Allow them to finish without interrupting and offer breaks when needed.
  • Listen carefully to what the survivor says and acknowledge the courage and strength it took to come forward.
  • Do not make victim-blaming statements such as questioning their behavior or experience, as it may result in the individual feeling not believed, judged or blamed.
  • Refrain from asking specific details about the incident. Intrusive questioning about the incident may cause them to feel you are not listening or judging them.
  • Avoid initiating physical contact with the person without their consent. Some survivors may feel comfortable with physical contact following sexualized violence.
  • Take the time to allow the individual to determine what decisions best suit their particular circumstances. Do not pressure them to make a decision or impose any decision on them.

4.) Refer the Individual to the SVEPC

An intricate part of supporting someone who has experienced sexualized violence is to provide them with the information about their options and all the supports and resources that are available to them. Navigating University and community resources can be challenging after an incident of sexualized violence. It is your responsibility to connect with the appropriate office that can help them.

You can recommend that the complainant/survivor contact the SVEPC. If the complainant/survivor would like to call the SVEPC office, offer to sit with them while they make the call. If appropriate, offer to accompany the survivor to the SVEPC’s office or community resource of their choice.

Remember to respect the survivor’s choice of whether to report the incident to Campus Security or to Brandon Police Services. Do not report the incident yourself and do not pressure the survivor to seek further assistance if they decline to do so.

Resources and Support Services

Brandon University will provide support and accommodate the needs of those who have experienced sexualized violence or have been impacted by sexualized violence.

The SVEPC office will facilitate access to supports and services on campus, working in collaboration with other departments/offices in order to best meet the needs of survivors. The SVEPC will call a Sexualized Violence Response Team meeting to help Coordinate and facilitate support services and resources for survivors.

The Sexualized Violence Response Team (SVRT)

The team consists of a core group of members with skills and expertise to coordinate and facilitate a response to all forms of sexualized violence on our campus. SVRT is co- chaired by the Chief Human Resources Officer and the Dean of Students. Other members of the University community will be included on the team on a case by case basis. The team will develop a plan around services, supports and options for all individuals affected by sexualized violence.

SVRT is convened by the SVEPC and they will make decisions about how to proceed to the next steps, which could include proceeding with an investigation and determine whether it is internal or external.

External community agencies that specialize and collaborate with sexualized violence may be invited to consult on areas outside the university (Victim Services, Brandon Police Service, Prairie Mountain Health including Emergency Services and Sexual Health).

This team will observe the Confidentiality guidelines set out in the policy.

Supports and Resources may include the following:

  • Academic/workplace accommodation.
  • Critical incident coordination
  • Counselling and Advocacy.
  • Case management.
  • Alternative housing/living arrangement.
  • Crisis funding.
  • Safety planning.

Support services and accommodation are available whether or not a survivor has filed a formal report/complaint of the incident.

On Campus Supports and Resources

1.) Sexual Violence Education Prevention Coordinator

  • During office hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 AM-4:30 PM
  • Office: Room 312, Clark Hall
  • Direct: 204-727-9740

2.) Security Services

  • During office hours: Monday- 8:30 AM – 4:40 PM
  • Office: Physical Plant, 330B – 20th Street
  • 204-727-9700

3.) Student Services

  • During office hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 AM-4:30 PM
  • Office: Room 102, A.E. McKenzie Building
  • Phone: 204-727-9737

4. Diversity and Human Rights Advisor

  • During office hours Monday-Friday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
  • Office: Room 333, Clark Hall
  • Phone: 204-727-9785

5.) Human Resources

  • During office hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 AM-4:30 PM
  • Office: Room 337, Clark Hall
  • Phone: 204-727- 9782

Off Campus Supports and Resources

1.) Klinic Community Health Centre, Sexual Assault Crisis Services

Klinic Community Health Centre, Sexual Assault Crisis Services in Winnipeg provides a 24 hour sexual assault hotline that is a province-wide service available 24 hours a day, seven days a week toll free.

2.) Manitoba Human Rights Commission

For further information on the Commission or The Human Rights Code, please contact the Manitoba Human Rights Commission office in your area.

  • 341-340 Ninth Street, Brandon, MB R7A 6C2
  • Phone: 204-726-6261
  • TOLL FREE: 1-888-884-8681
  • Fax: 204-726-6035 T
  • TTY: 1-888-897-2811
  • Email:

3.) Brandon Regional Health Sexual Health

  • Main Office: Follow up for medical results
  • Towne Centre: Public Health
  • Unit A5, Brandon, MB, R7A 6N5
  • 204-578-2500

4.) Brandon Police Services and Victim Services

  • 1020 Victoria Ave, Brandon, MB R7A 1A9
  • Brandon Police Service and Victim Services Non Emergency 204-729-2345 or call your local RCMP detachment.

5.) Victim Services (Provincial)

  • Brandon Courthouse
  • 1104 Princess Avenue, Brandon, Manitoba R7A 0P9
  • 204-726-6515

6.) The Women’s Resource Centre

  • 731 Princess Avenue Brandon, MB R7A 0P4
  • 204-726-8632
  • Toll-Free: 1-866-255-4432
  • Fax: 204-727-6230
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