Bystander Training

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Video courtesy of Concordia University.

Bringing in the Bystander: A Prevention Workshop for Establishing a Community of Responsibility ®, developed at the University of New Hampshire, and first used in Canada by the University of Windsor, is a workshop designed to encourage participants to see themselves as bystanders who might safely intervene to prevent a sexual assault before it occurs.

The format uses recognition of inappropriate behavior, skill building, asking for a commitment to intervene and role modeling what to do. Participants learn the importance of awareness, identifying potential risks in various situations, to develop empathy and support survivors, and how to safely interrupt or intervene in situations that could lead to sexualized violence.

Brandon University has begun offering a two-session program on-campus. Contact Jessica for upcoming dates.

Session 1: Introducing the Bystander Model and Session 2 parts A & B:

  • (A) Applying Bystander Concepts to Sexual Violence and
  • (B) Developing Skills as a Bystander.