Emeriti Listing
President and Dean Emeriti are approved by the Board of Governors.
Chancellor, Professor, Librarian, and Archivist Emeriti are approved by the Senate.
President Emeritus
Anderson, C. Dennis, B.SC. (Brandon College), M.B.A. (McMaster), Ph.D. (Western Ontario); President Emeritus (President from 1990 to 2000).
Mallea, John R., D.A.S.E. (Manchester), M.S. (Oregon), Ph.D. (Columbia); President Emeritus (President from 1985 to 1990)
Visentin, Louis, B.Sc. (St. Francis Xavier), M.S. (Detroit), Ph.D. (Michigan); President Emeritus (President from 2000-2009)
Dean Emeriti
Enns, Robin, B.A. (Manitoba), M.A. (New Brunswick), B.Ed., Ph.D. (Toronto)
Hordern, Peter J.C., B.A. (Hons.), M.A. (Cambridge), Ph.D. (McMaster); Dean Emeritus Religion
Librarian Emeritus
Mitchell, Terence A., B.A. (Manitoba), B.Ed. (Manitoba), M.L.S. (W. Michigan); Librarian Emeritus
Archivist Emeritus
Mitchell, Tom, B.A. (Brandon), M.A. (Manitoba), Ed. Cert.; Archivist Emeritus
Professors Emeriti
Armstrong, Helen D., B.Ed., M.C.Ed., Ph.D. (Saskatchewan); Professor Emerita of Education
Blue, Arthur W., B.A. (Idaho), M.S. (Utah), Ph.D. (Iowa); Professor Emeritus of Native Studies
Brandt, Di, B.Th., B.A. (Hons.) (Manitoba), M.A. (Toronto), Ph.D. (Manitoba), Professor Emerita of English
Cutschall, Colleen, B.F.A. (Barat Coll.), M.S. Ed. (Black Hills St. Coll.); Professor Emerita of Visual Arts
Everitt, John, B.A. (Leicester), M.A. (S.F.U.), Ph.D. (U.C.L.A.); Professor Emeritus Geography
Dolecki, Joseph, B.A. (Minnesota, M.A. (Washington); Professor Emeritus of Economics
Dong, Ronald, B.A., B.Sc., Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Physics & Astronomy
Dueck, Gerald D., B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Manitoba); Professor Emeritus of Mathematics/Computer Science
Giles, Robin A., B.Sc. (Spec. Hons.), Ph.D. (London); Professor Emeritus of Physics and Astronomy
Gfellner, Barbara M., B.M., B.A. (Hons.) (Winnipeg), M.A. (N. Dakota), Ph.D. (Manitoba); Professor Emerita of Psychology
Greenwood, David, B.A., Ph.D. (Adelaide); Professor Emeritus of Biology
Hanly, Kenneth, B.A., M.A. (Sask.), Ph.D. (Oregon); Professor Emeritus of Philosophy
Jones, Lawrence, B.A. (Manitoba), Mus. M. (Yale), D.M.A. (Iowa), A.R.C.T., L.M.M.; Professor Emeritus of Music
Knock, Edna L., A.Mus. (Singing), B.Mus. (Music Ed.), B.Mus. (Brandon), M.Mus. (Toronto), Lic. Mus. (McGill), Dip. Orff Studies; Professor Emerita of Music
McGinn, Roderick A., B.A. (Western), M.Sc. (Alberta), Ph.D. (Manitoba); Professor Emeritus Geography
McMaster, George E., B.Sc. (Hons.), M.A. (Waterloo), Ph.D. (Manitoba), A.F.I.M.A.; Professor Emeritus Mathematics/Computer Science
Mirkovic, Damir, LL.B. (Zagreb), M.A. (Brandeis), Ph.D. (Alberta); Professor Emeritus of Sociology
Mott, Morris K., B.A., M.A. (Manitoba), Ph.D., (Queen’s); Professor Emeritus of History
Noll, Kurt, A.S.T. (Art Institute of Pittsburgh), B.A. (Shippensburg), M.A.R. (Lutheran Theological Seminary, now United Lutheran Seminary), M.A., Ph.D. (Union Theological Seminary); Professor Emeritus of Religion.
Okrainec, Alexa., B.Sc. (Manitoba), MClSc. (Western), Ph.D. (Manitoba); Professor Emerita of Educational Psychology and Student Services.
Pernal, A. B., B.A. (Assumption), M.A. (Windsor), Ph.D. (Ottawa); Professor Emeritus of History
Racher, Frances, RN (Brandon), B.Sc. (Brandon), B.A. (Brandon), M.Sc. (Manitoba), Ph. D (Calgary), Professor Emeritus of Health Studies
Rice, J. B., B.Sc., M.A. (Toronto), Ph.D. (Western); Professor Emeritus of Physics and Astronomy
Richardson, Robert, M.M. (Georgia), M.M. (Eastman), Artist and Lic. Dip. (Toronto); Professor Emeritus of Music
Richardson, Sylvia, Artist Dip. (Toronto); A.R.C.T.; Professor Emerita of Music
Sawchuk, Joseph S., B.A., M.A. (Manitoba); Ph.D. (Toronto), Professor Emeritus of Anthropology/Native Studies
Serfaty, Meir, B.A. (Hons) (Manchester), M.A. (Calgary), Ph.D. (Carleton)
Voorhis, Paul, B.A. (New York), Ph.D. (Yale); Professor Emeritus of Native Studies
Whidden, Lynn, B.A., B.Mus. (Brandon), MMus. (Minneapolis), PhD. (Montréal, Indiana); Professor Emerita of Education.
Coach Emeritus
Hemmings, Jerry D., A.A. (Surry C.C.), B.A., B.Ed., (Lakehead), M.A. (Appalachian State), Level 4-5 NCCP; Professor of Physical Education
Chancellor Emeriti
Bell, Hon. Judge Ronald D., B.A. (Brandon), LL.B. (Manitoba); Chancellor Emeritus (Chancellor from May 1991 to October 1996) (died January 13, 2020)
Kavanagh, Kevin B., B.Comm., LL.D.; Chancellor Emeritus (Chancellor from November 1996 to October 2002) (died June 14, 2020)
Knowles, Stanley, P.C., O.C., B.A., B.D., LL.D.; Chancellor Emeritus (Chancellor from November 1970 to November 1990) (died June 9, 1997)
President Emeriti
Robbins, John Everett, B.A., M.A. (Manitoba), PhD. (Ottawa), L.LD. (New Brunswick, British Columbia, Manitoba, Carleton, Brandon), D.Sc.Soc. (Laval) (died March 7, 1995)
Tyler, Earl J., B.A. (Manitoba), M.Sc., Ph.D. (Utah); President Emeritus (President from February 1984 to July 1985) (died October 16, 1997)
Professors Emeriti
Anderson, Clifford W., B.Ed. (Saskatchewan), M.Sc., Ph.D. (McGill); Professor Emeritus of Psychology (died December 19, 2009)
Birkinshaw, E.A., B.Sc. (Hons) (Manitoba); Professor Emeritus of Mathematics (died November 24, 1986)
Black, J. Errol, B.A. (Manitoba), M.A. (Alberta); Professor Emeritus of Economics (died November 3, 2012)
Brockway, Robert W., B.A. (American University), M.Div. (Union, New York), M.A., Ph.D. (Columbia) (died December 10, 2001)
Entz, Werner H., Ph.D. (Berlin); Professor Emeritus of Languages (German)
Francq, Henri, L.S.C. (I.S.C.A., Antwerp); Professor Emeritus of Languages (French) (died May 5, 1991)
Gibson, Betty M., B.A., B.Ed. (Manitoba), M.Ed. (Harvard); Professor Emerita of Education (died February 23, 2001)
Grant, J. W., B.A., B.Ed., M.A. (Dalhousie); Professor Emeritus of English (died April 12, 1999)
Halamandaris, Pandelis G., B.A. (American U., Cairo), M.S., Ph.D. (Indiana); Professor Emeritus of Education (died April 14, 2022)
Hannah, Richard H., C.D., B.A. (McMaster), B.Ed. (Manitoba), M.Sc. (Minnesota); Professor Emeritus of Zoology (died September 6, 1990)
King, Ralph F. B., B.A. (Hons) (U.B.C.), M.A., Ph.D. (Toronto); Professor Emeritus of English (died June 3, 2002)
Klassen, Peter G., B.Sc. (Manitoba), B.Ed. (Alberta), M.Ed. (Manitoba), Ed.D. (Toronto); Professor Emeritus of Education (died 2004)
Lam, Yee Lay Jack, B.A. (Hons.) (Hong Kong), M.Ed., Ph.D. (Toronto); Professor Emeritus of Administration and Educational Services (died May 30, 2014)
Letkeman, Peter, B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc., Ph.D. (Manitoba), F.C.I.C.; Professor Emeritus of Chemistry (died May 19, 2020)
Logan, Lillian M., B.S. (East Michigan), M.S., Ph.D. (Wisconsin); Professor Emeritus of Education
Logan, Virgil G., A.B. (West Michigan), M.A. (Alabama), Ph.D. (Wisconsin); Professor Emeritus of Education
MacDowell, George F., B.A. (Dalhousie), M.A. (Clark); Professor Emeritus of Economics (died February 26, 1986)
Macpherson, Gordon, M.Mus. (Indiana), Artist Dip., L.R.C.T. (Toronto); Professor Emeritus of Music (Piano and Chamber Music) (died October 4, 2011)
Mayoh, Leonard, B.Mus. (Acadia), A.R.M.C.M.; Professor Emeritus of Voice and Choral Conducting (died July 26, 1978)
McLeod, J. A., B.Sc., Dip. Ed., PhD. (Manitoba); Professor Emeritus of Zoology (died February 7, 1979)
McNeely, Trevor, B.Sc. (Manitoba), M.A., Ph.D. (Alberta); Professor Emeritus of English (died March 21, 2004)
Naidu, M. V., B.A., M.A., LL.B., LL.M. (Osmania), Ph.D. (Minnesota); Professor Emeritus of Political Science (died February 27, 2016)
Nichols, Kenneth, A. Mus. (Alberta), L.R.C.T., M.Mus. (Indiana), Ph.D. (Minnesota); Professor Emeritus of Music (died August 6, 2021)
Nicholson, Beverly A., B.A. (Brandon), M.A., Ph.D. (S.F.U.); Professor Emeritus of Anthropology (died January 9, 2023)
Paton, William H. N., B.Sc. (Hons.) (Strathclyde); M.Sc., Ph.D. (Queen’s); Professor Emeritus of Biology (died June 13, 2016)
Perdue, H. Stewart, M.A. (McMaster), Ph.D. (Chicago), F.G.A.C.; Professor Emeritus of Geology (died December 22, 1979)
Perry, Edward, B.A. (Hons.) (King’s College, London), B.A. (Queen’s), M.A. (Toronto)
Sharpe, Peggy A., B.A. (McMaster), M.M. (Northwestern), A.T.C.M., M.Mus. (Brandon); Professor Emerita of Music (died September 28, 2005)
Simmons, R. Murray, B.A., B.D. (McMaster), S.T.M. (Union), D.D. (United); Professor Emeritus of Philosophy and Religious Studies (died November 13, 1978)
Springer, Robert K., B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc., Ph.D. (U.C. Davis); Professor Emeritus of Geology (died September 16, 2022)
Stewart, D. B., B.Sc. (Hons.), M.D. (Manitoba), F.R.C.S., F.R.C.D.G.; Professor Emeritus of Zoology (died November 2006)
Thordarson, Barney, B.A. (Manitoba), M.A. (Minnesota); Professor Emeritus of English (died April 28, 1974)
Tyler, Earl J., B.A. (Manitoba), M.Sc., Ph.D. (Utah); Professor Emeritus of Psychology (died October 16, 1997)
Watson, Lorne, B.A. (Toronto), M.A. (New York), D.Mus. (Indiana), D.Mus. (Brandon), L.T.C.M. (Gold Medal); Professor Emeritus of Music (died January 10, 2010)
Welsted, John, B.Sc. (Bristol), M.Sc. (McGill), Ph.D. (Bristol); Professor Emeritus of Geography (died September 21, 2009)
Wheeler, D. W., B.A. (Reed), B.A. (Hons.), M.A., D.Phil. (Oxon); Professor Emeritus of Economics
Wong, Westley G., B.Sc. (Manitoba), M.A. (Toronto); Professor Emeritus of Physics (died 2004)
Wright, William Lewis, B.A., Mus.D. (Acadia); Professor Emeritus of Music (died 1970)
Young, Harvey R., B.Sc. (Manitoba), M.Sc. (Alberta), Ph.D. (Queen’s); Professor Emeritus of Geology (died May 8, 2023)