Science Faculty Planning Committee

Terms of Reference for the Science Faculty Planning Committee (SFPC)

  • Established: 5 November 2008
  • Revised by SFPC: 6 September 2018
  • Approved by SFC: 4 October 2018


This committee was established by Science Faculty Council in November 2008.  The committee membership is comprised of the Dean of Science and one member from each department, elected from or recommended by the department.  The Chair is the Dean of Science.  The purpose of this committee is to plan for the future of Science Faculty and to deal with issues such as space and expansion.  It is not meant to review new program proposals or program expansion requests from departments.  This committee brings all recommendations back to Science Faculty Council


Members of SFPC are normally appointed for a term of three years, with the opportunity to renew for additional terms upon recommendation from the Department.  While members serve as representatives of their departments and its programs on behalf of SFC, they are encouraged to bring a faculty-wide perspective. The current membership is:

  • Chair: Dr. Chris LeMoine, Dean of Science (to June 30, 2024)
  • Applied Disaster and Emergency Studies: Dr. Sheika Henry (to June 30, 2024)
  • Biology: Dr. Wendy Untereiner (to June 30, 2024)
  • Chemistry: Dr. Michael Charette (to April 1, 2026)
  • Geography: Dr. Rachel Herron (to June 30, 2024)
  • Geology: Mr. Ayat Baig (to April 30, 2026)
  • Mathematics and Computer Science: Dr. Abdel Al-Abdallah (to June 30, 2024)
  • Physics and Astronomy: Dr. Austin Gulliver (to June 30, 2026)
  • Psychology: Dr. Nicholas Watier (to April 30, 2026)


It is the responsibility of the SFPC to:

  1. Serve as a resource to the strategic planning process including exploring and developing ideas for SFC’s consideration;
  2. Assist in the development of a strategic plan that addresses teaching, research and community engagement;
  3. Serve as part of the oversight committee for the assessment of the John R. Brodie Science Centre; and provide input on issues such as space and expansion.


The committee will meet as needed at the call of the Dean or at the request of two members.  Notification of a meeting is to be at least one week prior to the meeting. Minutes must be produced for each meeting, and must be forwarded to SFC.


Each member shall have one vote and the Chair will only vote to break ties.


The quorum is met with 50% (fifty per cent) of the Committee members in attendance.

Evaluation of Terms of Reference

SFPC will review its Terms of Reference annually to meet policies and changing needs within the faculty, the university, the scientific community, and society as a whole.  The Terms of Reference can be updated at any time by a member of SFC through its departmental representative who will bring requested changes to SFPC.