Student Athletes
An athletic award is an award that is granted, at least in part, on the basis of participation as a student-athlete on one of the Brandon University Bobcats athletic teams.
If you are a student-athlete who has been offered or is holding athletic award money, you are responsible to know and follow all the general rules related to scholarships and awards found in this website AND you must be aware of the following points specific to athletic awards.
Athletic Eligibility Versus Award Eligibility
Athletic eligibility = your eligibility to play on a Brandon University Bobcats team in respect of athletic league regulations
Financial athletic award eligibility = your eligibility to hold a financial award from Brandon University in respect of both athletic league and University regulations
These two eligibility criteria may not be the same. It is your responsibility as a student-athlete to understand and respect both sets of eligibility regulations, particularly with regard to GPA requirements and minimum registration requirements.
Academic Requirements & Athletic Awards
For new student-athletes, athletic award eligiblity is determined on the basis of your admissions average, which is calculated using the following courses:
English 40S (or equivalent)
Four additional courses coded 40S (or equivalent)
This calculation is different than the one used to determine your scholarships average for general University scholarships and bursaries.
For continuing student-athletes, the GPA used to determine athletic award eligibility for the following year is calculated on courses taken from September 1 through August 31.
Awarding Timeline
While most University awards are granted on an annual basis (for the fall & winter terms), athletic awards are granted on a term by term basis.
Athletic Award Questions & Advice
If you are a student-athlete holding an athletic award, before you make any changes to your course registrations or if you have any questions about your academic performance, be sure to speak with your coach or the Director of Athletics, in order to ensure that you continue to meet all athletic and academic eligibility requirements for your award(s).