Current SAS Students

Accommodation letters are issued on a term-by-term basis. Accommodations are not retroactive.

Current SAS students are responsible to request their accommodation letters at the beginning of each term and to review each of the 3 steps below:


Step 1: Request accommodation letters

If you wish to request changes to your accommodation letter or discuss ideas to better support your learning, schedule an appointment with the SAS Coordinator.

You may be asked to provide updated documentation if there are changes to your disability or medical condition. The Medical Questionnaire must be completed by your registered health professional.

Winter Term 2025 Accommodation Letters

If you do not require changes to your accommodations, submit the accommodation letter request below as early as possible to have your accommodation letters emailed to you and your professors.

Your accommodation letters will be emailed within 3-4 business days.

Remember it is your responsibility to discuss your accommodations with your professors. 

If there are concerns about your accommodations, please contact the SAS Coordinator immediately.

Submit Accommodation Letter Request


Step 2: Communicate with your professors

You are responsible to set up a meeting with your professors to discuss your accommodations. Open communication can help set expectations, making your academic experience more successful.


Step 3: Submit request forms

If you require alternate format materials, test/exam accommodations, assistive technology, or tutoring you are encouraged to submit requests as soon as possible.

Access Student Forms