BU Tourism and Recreation Research Centre
About Us
On January 20, 2003 a group of faculty engaged in tourism-related research came together to establish a Tourism Research Group. The primary purpose of the group was to collaborate on research projects of mutual interest and develop a centre to facilitate collaboration around tourism research. On Thursday March 17, 2003, the Board of Governors of Brandon University established the Tourism Research Centre at Brandon University. The goals for establishing a research centre for tourism include:
- Building networks on campus and beyond
- Building research programs with those interested in tourism research
- Facilitating outreach opportunities with communities and tourism agencies and organizations
In February 2025, we changed the name of the centre to the BU Tourism and Recreation Research Centre. This better reflects the connections between recreation and tourism. It also avoids search issues related to the same acronym as the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
In February 2024, Chris Malcolm (with coauthors Doug Ramsey and Derrek Eberts) published an article based on their SSHRC-funded tourism project looking at the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on sport. malcolm-ramsey-eberts-hockeypaper-ijss-2024
In December 2023, Dr. Doug Ramsey was appointed to the Board of the Directors of Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries Crown Corporation. In November, Dr. Ramsey was also presented with the John Welsted Award for Service to the Western Interior (Prairie Division, Canadian Association of Geographers). Also in November, he was also made a Life Member of the Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation.
In December 2023, the TRC welcomed its newest member, Dr. Ian Puppe of the Department of Native Studies at Brandon University. Dr. Puppe brings expertise on qualitative research in parks, including sustainability and cultural and heritage issues.
Research Interests
Faculty research interests include:
- Rural Economic Diversification
- Heritage Tourism
- Outdoor Recreation and Sport
- Cross-border Shopping
- Tourism in Peripheral Areas