BU USRA Submission Requirements & General Information
What is a USRA?
An Undergraduate Student Research Award (USRA) is meant to stimulate a student’s interest in research in the natural sciences and engineering (NSERC), social sciences and humanities (SSHRC), or health studies (CIHR). It is also meant to encourage graduate studies education and the pursuit of a research career in these fields. The USRA allows a student to gain research work experience that complements their studies in an academic setting; it can provide a student with financial support through Brandon University.
Please note that the complete NSERC USRA program description, along with the application and instructions can be found on the NSERC website.
USRA Allocation
Each institution receives an allocation of applications (by Agency) that can be forwarded for funding. Confirmation of allocations is normally received from the agencies by January of the award year.
NSERC provides unlimited additional awards above the institutional allocation for Indigenous students, and provides a supplementary allocation for additional awards for Black student researchers. Both groups are encouraged to self-identify through the application process. There is no limit on the number of Black student researchers that can be offered an award within BU’s allocation; the regular allocation of awards will support applicants from all underrepresented groups, including Black student researchers.
SSHRC and CIHR have made a limited number of SSHRC and CIHR USRA awards available for students of Black heritage. Students must self-identify to be eligible to apply for these awards and submit applications through the NSERC portal.
At the present time, CIHR and SSHRC USRAs are exclusively for Black student researchers. NSERC USRAs are open to all students.
Refer to the Undergraduate Student Research Awards allocations web page for a list of allocations by institution and by agency.
Student Eligibility
To Apply for an Award an Applicant Must:
1. Be a Canadian Citizen, permanent resident of Canada, or Protected Person under subsection 95(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada);
2. Be registered, at time of application, in a bachelor’s degree program at an eligible university; and
3. Have obtained, over the previous years of study, a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of at least second class (2.7).
To Hold an Award an Applicant Must:
4. Have completed all the course requirements of at least the first year of university study (or two academic terms) of bachelor’s degree (30 credit hours). First year students are eligible to apply for this award and must fulfill the aforementioned course requirements prior to award uptake;
5. Have been registered in at least one of the two terms immediately before holding the award in a bachelor’s degree program at an eligible university;
6. Not have started a graduate program at any time; and
7. Be engaged on a full-time basis in research and development activities in the natural sciences or engineering during the tenure of the USRA (NSERC), social sciences or humanities (SSHRC), or health studies (CIHR).
Value & Duration
The NSERC/SSHRC/CIHR portion of the award is $6,000 and the University and supervisor will contribute supplemental funding to provide a total salary equivalent to that of a PSAC RAII level.
A USRA is to be held for 14 to 16 consecutive weeks on a full-time basis (35-hour work week). The start date is to be decided on between student and supervisor.
Supervisor Eligibility
In order for a student to undertake an Undergraduate Student Research Award, they must work under the full-time supervision of a faculty member who is NSERC-, SSHRC-, or CIHR-eligible. The supervisor must agree to work with the student and, therefore, students are encouraged to contact potential supervisors as early as possible with their request.
UPDATE ON SUPERVISOR ELIGIBILITY: Eligible supervisors were previously faculty members who held an active NSERC, SSHRC or CIHR grant (as applicable), however, in alignment with changes to the Tri-Agency USRA Program description, supervisor eligibility is now open to any NSERC-, SSHRC-, or CIHR- eligible faculty members.
Eligible supervisor are defined as someone who holds or has a firm offer of an academic appointment at Brandon University. The appointment can be:
- a tenured, or tenure-track; or
- a term or contract position of no less than three years.
Supervisors must also be able to contribute a minimum of additional funds toward the USRA student’s salary, as outlined in the Supplemental Funding section below.
Supplemental Funding
In order to meet Manitoba minimum wage standards, and to ensure equity with comparable undergraduate research assistant work, Brandon University requires that students receiving a USRA are provided with a total salary equivalent to that of a PSAC RAII level. As the USRA award values $6,000, a minimum amount of supplemental funding must be contributed to achieve that level of funding in relation to a full-time, 35-hour work week. There is no maximum contribution, and supervisors are encouraged to contribute as much as they are able and as they deem appropriate.
Brandon University Contribution – NSERC Allocation
Brandon University has implemented a multi-year plan to reduce the institutional contribution toward the required salary top-up. For the 2025 competition, Brandon University will contribute $1000 toward the salary top-up for each USRA. For the 2026 competition, Brandon University will contribute $500 toward the salary top-up. Brandon University will not provide a contribution for NSERC Allocation USRAs in 2027 and forward.
Brandon University Contribution – Black and Indigenous Students
To promote and support both Brandon University’s and the USRA program’s commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion, Brandon University will contribute 50% of the required minimum supplemental funding for Black and Indigenous students, which includes Black and Indigenous NSERC USRA awardees, and SSHRC and CIHR awardees. The USRA supervisor is required to provide at minimum the remaining 50%.
At the time of the application deadline, supervisors must provide a statement in their Letter of Support confirming that they have the minimum required funds to contribute towards the required USRA student salary top-up. The source of funds must be included to determine eligibility. Unconfirmed funds and funds from BURC grants are not eligible sources. A non-exhaustive list of potential eligible sources includes NSERC, SSHRC, and CIHR grants (see below for list of current grant holders); non-Tri-Agency external grants; and Professional Development funds.
Please refer to the below tables for the 2025 salary rates, or use the USRA Payroll Calculator.
NSERC Allocation USRA salary calculations
2025 Competition Year | ||||
Number of Weeks | Total PSAC RAII Salary (35 hrs/wk x $17.53/hr x # wks) | NSERC Contribution | Brandon University Contribution | Supervisor Minimum Contribution |
14 | $8,589.70 | $6,000.00 | $1,000.00 | $1,589.70 |
15 | $9,203.25 | $6,000.00 | $1,000.00 | $2,203.25 |
16 | $9,816.80 | $6,000.00 | $1,000.00 | $2,816.80 |
Black and Indigenous student USRA salary calculations
2025 Competition Year | ||||
Number of Weeks | Total PSAC RAII Salary (35 hrs/wk x $17.53/hr x # wks) | NSERC Contribution | Brandon University Contribution | Supervisor Minimum Contribution |
14 | $8,589.70 | $6,000.00 | $1,294.85 | $1,294.85 |
15 | $9,203.25 | $6,000.00 | $1,601.63 | $1,601.63 |
16 | $9,816.80 | $6,000.00 | $1,908.40 | $1,908.40 |
Current Brandon University NSERC Grant Holders
- Biology: Dr. Bernadette Ardelli, Dr. Bryan Cassone, Dr. David Greenwood, Dr. Christophe LeMoine, Dr. Wendy Untereiner, Dr. Barry Madison
- Chemistry: Dr. Eric Bushnell, Dr. Vince Chen; Dr. Michael Charette; Dr. Shrinwantu Pal
- Geography: Dr. Alex Koiter, Dr. Peter Whittington
- Mathematics & Computer Science: Dr. Chenkuan Li, Dr. Rory Lucyshyn-Wright, Dr. Gautam Srivastava, Dr. Sarah Plosker
- Physics & Astronomy: Dr. Margaret Carrington
Current Brandon University SSHRC Grant Holders
- Geography and Environment: Dr. Rachel Herron
- Political Science: Dr. Allison McCulloch (cross appointed in Justice Studies)
- Rural Development: Dr. Doug Ramsey; Dr. Wayne Kelly
- Psychology: Dr. Nancy Newall
- Education: Dr. Patricia Douglas, Dr. Michelle Lam, Dr. Breanna Lawrence
- Francophone Studies and Languages: Dr. Eftihia Mihelakis (cross appointed in Gender & Women’s Studies)
- Philosophy: Dr. Cameron Boult
- History: Dr. Patricia Harms (cross appointed in Gender & Women’s Studies); Dr. Gregory Kennedy
- Business Administration: Dr. Hejun Zhuang
- Sociology: Dr. Ariane Hanemaayer (cross appointed in Gender & Women’s Studies), Dr. Christopher Schneider
- English, Drama & Creative Writing: Dr. Jonathan Allan (cross appointed in Gender & Women’s Studies)
Current Brandon University CIHR Grant Holders
- Geography and Environment: Dr. Rachel Herron
- Biology: Dr. Mousumi Majumder
Note for Supervisors: Any or all applicants that you agree to supervise could potentially receive an award and therefore it is important that you are aware of this possibility and prepared to support them all.
A Complete Application
A complete USRA application package includes the following:
1. Form 202 Part I – to be completed by student (uploaded to NSERC online system);
2. Form 202 Part II – to be completed by supervisor (uploaded to NSERC online system);
3. University Transcripts – (uploaded to NSERC online system);
4. Letter of Support Form from Supervisor – emailed to the NSERC USRA Liaison Officer; and
5. Letter from the Student – emailed to the NSERC USRA Liaison Officer
Submission Process
1. Form 202 Part I and Part II
USRA applications are completed and submitted via the NSERC On-line System Users. Please see the NSERC Instructions for Completing an Application – Form 202 for complete details.
2. University Transcripts
An electronic version of your transcripts may be requested from the Registrar’s Office (Val Rodgers, McKenzie Building, Room 119). Requests for official BU transcripts can be made through Financial & Registration Services.
3. Supervisor Letter of Support Form
The Supervisor Letter of Support Form must be provided by the intended supervisor. The Form should speak to the student’s research aptitude and other abilities. Supervisors who have more than one student applying for a USRA are required to rank the students clearly within the letter. Specifically, the Form includes:
- Why the supervisor wants to work with the student;
- Fit of the student with the supervisor’s research program;
- Fit of the student with the proposed research project;
- Student’s preparation and skill to conduct research, their theoretical and applied skills;
- Student’s written, oral , and interpersonal skills;
- What the student will learn and how they will benefit from the research experience; and
- Where a student has received a USRA in the past, address how the student’s research will progress and build on their previous research and the anticipated outcomes.
- A statement confirming that the supervisor is able to top up the USRA student’s salary by the minimum amount outlined in the supplemental funding table. The source of funds must be included to determine eligibility.
Supervisors should submit the Form to the NSERC USRA Liaison Officer via email by the internal deadline.
Where an applicant is external to Brandon University, the Form should come from someone at their home institution who can speak to their research aptitude and other abilities.
4. Letter from the Student (one page maximum)
A letter must be provided by the student that addresses how the USRA will benefit the student’s career/future and provide an idea of their plans.
For a student who has previously held an NSERC USRA(s) must also clearly describe their role in the previous project(s), the theory or concepts and skills they have learned, and any progress they have made, if applicable, towards formal research contributions, for example, presentations, publications or other research contributions.
Students should submit the letter to the NSERC USRA Liaison Officer via email by the internal deadline.
The deadline for USRA application submission is February 1. Where the 1st falls on a weekend, the deadline is the following business day. Students are encouraged to consult with their supervisors, as supervisors may set an earlier deadline for the student portion of the submission.
BU NSERC USRA Committee, Procedures, and Award Notification
USRA applications are reviewed internally by the BU Senate Research Committee (SRC) and results are normally sent out by the end of February via formal written notification from the Committee Chair.
Payment of Award
Payments are made by Brandon University on a bi-weekly basis over the 14 to 16 week term of the award.
The student and supervisor are required to submit a BU NSERC USRA Report Form upon completion of the USRA.
If you have any questions, please contact Julia Herr, Research Officer, Office of Research Services and BU NSERC USRA Liaison Officer.