BURC Membership

Position Name and Department/Unit Term
Chair:  Vice-President (Research & Graduate Studies) Dr. Bernadette Ardelli (Office of the Vice-President (Research & Graduate Studies)) Ex Officio
Faculty of Arts Representative Dr. Dominique Hétu (Francophone Studies & Languages) September 1, 2022 – August 31, 2025
Faculty of Arts Representative Dr. Eftihia Mihelakis (Francophone Studies & Languages) September 1, 2024 – August 31, 2027
Faculty of Arts Alternate Kevin DeForest (IshKaabatens Waasa Gaa Inaabateg Department of Visual Art September 1, 2024 – August 31, 2027
Faculty of Science Representative Dr. Paul Alexandre (Geology) September 1, 2022 – August 31, 2025
Faculty of Science Representative VACANT September 1, 2023 – August 31, 2026
Faculty of Science Alternate Dr. Pete Whittington (Geography & Environment) September 1, 2023 – August 31, 2026
Faculty of Education Representative Dr. Aloysius Anyichie (Educational Psychology & Student Services) September 1, 2023 – August 31, 2026
Faculty of Education Representative Dr. Candy Jones (Curriculum & Pedagogy) September 1, 2023 – August 31, 2026
Faculty of Education Alternate Dr. Jackie Kirk (Leadership & Educational Administration) September 1, 2023 – August 31, 2026
School of Music Representative Ms. Kerry DuWors (Applied Music) September 1, 2024 – August 31, 2027
School of Music Representative Mr. Jason Young (Music Research) September 1, 2024 – August 31, 2027
School of Music Alternate Dr. Nora Wilson (Applied Music) September 1, 2022 – August 31, 2025
Faculty of Health Studies Representatives Ms. Tracy Young (Dean’s Office) September 1, 2023 – August 31, 2026
Faculty of Health Studies Representative Dr. Ali Salman (Nursing) September 1, 2024 – August 31, 2027
Faculty of Health Studies Alternate Ms. Dana Naismith (Psychiatric Nursing) September 1, 2022 – August 31, 2025
Student Services/Library Representative Mr. Rainer Schira (Library) November 6, 2023 – August 31, 2026
Student Services/Library Alternate Ms. Laura Jacyna (Library) November 6, 2023 – August 31, 2026
President’s Appointee Dr. Alysha Farrell (Education) September 1, 2024 – August 31, 2027
President’s Appointee Alternate Dr. Jonathan Allan (English, Drama, & Creative Writing) September 1, 2024 – August 31, 2027
Administrative Officer Ms. Kerry Murkin (Office of Research Services) N/A
Administrative Support Mr. Todd Martin (Office of the Vice-President (Research & Graduate Studies)) N/A


Excerpt from BUFA CA (2023-2027)

Article 35: Brandon University Research Committee

35.1 Committee Composition
All Brandon University-based research funds as well as General Research grants from NSERC/SSHRC earmarked for the support of research at Brandon University, with the exception of new externally generated funds targeted for specific research projects and/or research infrastructure enhancement, shall be administered by a Research Committee composed of the following:

• two (2) Members and one (1) alternate elected by and from each of the Faculties of Arts, Science, Education, Health Studies, and Music;
• one (1) Member and one alternate elected by and from Members in Student Services, the Indigenous Peoples’ Centre, and the Library and Archives;
• one (1) Dean/Director or Member and one (1) alternate appointed by the President; and
• the Vice-President (Research) or designate, who shall serve as Chair.

Faculty Members on an appointment of less than three (3) years are ineligible to serve on the Brandon University Research Committee (BURC). Members and alternates shall be elected for a three (3) year term. Faculties are encouraged to avoid appointing both of their Members in the same year. In the event of a member of the Committee being on leave for six (6) months or more, they shall resign from the Committee and shall be replaced by the alternate, and a new alternate shall be elected. The relevant alternate shall serve as the replacement for a committee member who, by reason of other commitments, cannot attend a meeting or meetings, and shall assume the full rights of the member for the duration of the replacement period. If in the Committee’s judgement, the work of the Committee is suffering from a lack of participation, the Committee shall be empowered to remove members who have missed more than two (2) consecutive meetings and request a replacement from the area concerned.

As per Article 5.6.2, each BURC member, including the Chair, shall complete equity training designed to help them identify unconscious bias and other recognized factors that contribute to inequity, unlearn patterns of biased behavior, and adopt an equity mindset to direct all their activities at Brandon University. Such training shall also promote understandings of the value of First Nations, Métis, Inuit, and Non-Status Indigenous knowledges. BURC members shall have completed this training within the previous twenty-four (24) months and prior to examining any applications.

35.2 Procedures and Criteria
The Committee shall establish its own procedures and develop criteria for the administration of the funds which are just and equitable and consistent with the objective of nurturing and stimulating research and scholarship at Brandon University. These guidelines shall become a public document available to all Members applying for BURC funding.

35.3 Records
The BURC shall maintain records and deposit, in the Vice-President’s (Research) Office, copies of all proceedings, statements, and correspondence related to the Committee’s policies and the awarding of grants. The Employer shall maintain records of the provenance of all BURC funds. This material will be made available to the Union and published on the University website within three (3) months of the awards adjudication.

35.4 Salary as Research Grant While on Sabbatical Leave or Special Leave
The Committee, or its designate, shall review the amount of salary which a Member wishes to be recorded as a research grant while on sabbatical or special leave. Any such amount is subject to assessment by Canada Revenue Agency. The Committee is not responsible in any way for the results of such assessment or any discrepancy between the amounts approved by the Committee and the amounts which may be approved by Canada Revenue Agency.

35.5 Appeals
Members whose applications are rejected by the BURC shall have recourse to an appeals procedure. Notice of an appeal must be submitted to the Chair of the BURC no later than one (1) month after the Member is notified of the decision. Within one (1) week of receiving notice of appeal, the Chair shall strike an Appeals Committee. Members of the Appeals Committee should be selected in light of research experience and expertise. The Committee will consist of the following:

• one (1) Member appointed by the Union;
• one (1) appointment by the President; and
• a Chair chosen by the two (2) appointed members.

The Union, the President, and the members chosen by the Union and the President shall make every reasonable effort to include members belonging to the designated groups on the Committee. If the Member appointed by the Union, the member appointed by the President, or the Chair selected by the other two (2) members, or any combination thereof, is subsequently unable to serve, then those members of the Appeals Committee that have already been chosen shall remain in place. The member(s) unable to serve shall be replaced by the same process as the appointment of the original member(s).

As per Article 5.6.2, each Appeals Committee member shall complete equity training designed to help them identify unconscious bias and other recognized factors that contribute to inequity, unlearn patterns of biased behavior, and adopt an equity mindset to direct all their activities at Brandon University. Such training shall also promote understandings of the value of First Nations, Métis, Inuit, and Non-Status Indigenous knowledges. Appeals Committee members shall have completed this training within the previous twenty-four (24) months and prior to examining any materials relevant to the appeals.

The Appeals Committee shall establish its own procedures, taking into account the provisions of this Article, the published policies and procedures for grant applications of BURC, The Labour Relations Act, and the Brandon University/BUFA Handbook on Appeals Procedures. In case of discrepancies, The Labour Relations Act will take precedence. Should the appeal be upheld, the Member will either be given first priority for funding at the next competition or other appropriate remedies identified by the Appeals Committee.

The decision of the Appeals Committee shall be final and binding on all Parties and the Member.

The Appeals Committee is an Arbitration Board under The Labour Relations Act. The Appeals Committee shall communicate its decision and its reasons in writing to the Member and the Chair of the BURC within one (1) month of hearing the appeal.

35.6 Contributions to the BURC Fund
The Parties agree that Brandon University will pay an annual sum into the BURC fund, in addition to the funds allocated under the current formula, as follows: twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) in year one (1) of the Agreement; thirty thousand dollars ($30,000) in year two (2) of the Agreement; forty thousand dollars ($40,000) in year three (3) of the Agreement; and fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) in year four (4) of the Agreement.