BUREC Members

Name Position
Dr. Catherine Baxter
Term:  September 1, 2024 – August 31, 2025
Dr. Ellen Watson
Term End Date:  August 31, 2026
One Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Full Professor, or Professional Associate (II, III, or IV) representative from the Faculty of Education
Dr. Catherine Baxter
Term End Date:  October 31, 2025
One Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Full Professor, or Professional Associate (II, III, or IV) representative from the Faculty of Health Studies
Dr. Paul Alexandre
Term End Date:  August 31, 2026
One Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Full Professor, or Professional Associate (II, III, or IV) representative from the Faculty of Science
Dr. Jonathan Allan
Term End Date:  December 31, 2026
One Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Full Professor, or Professional Associate (II, III, or IV) representative from the Faculty of Arts
Mr.  Chris Hurst
Term End Date:  August 31, 2025
One representative from the Library and may also include one representative from Student Services Professional Associate (II, III, or IV)
Dr. Ian Puppe
Term End Date:  May 31, 2025
One Brandon University representative, normally a faculty member, experienced in Indigenous research
VACANT One Community Representative who has no affiliation with Brandon University
VACANT One member knowledgeable in the relevant law, who is not the institution’s legal counsel or risk manager
Ms. Genevieve Maltais Lapointe
Term End Date:  August 31, 2026
Additional appointments of those experienced in human participatory research (appointed to BUREC by the Senate Research Committee)
Dr. Allison McCulloch
Term End Date:  December 31, 2027
Additional appointments of those experienced in human participatory research (appointed to BUREC by the Senate Research Committee)
Dr. Candice Waddell-Henowitch
Term End Date:  December 31, 2026
Additional appointments of those experienced in human participatory research (appointed to BUREC by the Senate Research Committee)
VACANT Additional appointments of those experienced in human participatory research (appointed to BUREC by the Senate Research Committee)
VACANT Additional appointments of those experienced in human participatory research (appointed to BUREC by the Senate Research Committee)
Ms. Kerry Murkin (Interim)

Mr. Todd Martin (on leave)
Term End Date:  Ongoing

Administrative Support


The following minimum requirements shall be satisfied among the BUREC membership, who represent gender diversity:

  • two (2) members with expertise in relevant research disciplines, fields and methodologies covered by BUREC;
  • one member knowledgeable in ethics;
  • one member knowledgeable in relevant law, who is not Brandon University’s legal counsel or risk manager; and
  • one community member with no affiliation to Brandon University.


    Members of BUREC shall serve three-year terms.


    It is the responsibility of BUREC to:

    1. establish and maintain policies and procedures for the ethical conduct of human participatory research. These must include the TCPS2, the BUREC Policies and Procedures, and should also include accepted disciplinary guidelines relevant to the nature of the project;
    2. nominate a Chair who has the necessary knowledge of and experience with TCPS2, all applicable University policies and procedures, and the administrative responsibilities of BUREC;
    3. approve, propose modifications, or terminate any proposed or ongoing ethics research conducted by members of, or within, Brandon University under the guidance of the TCPS2 and BUREC’s policies and procedures;
    4. ensure that appropriate mechanisms exist to inform researchers of these Policies and Procedures;
    5. provide consultation to researchers on human ethics matters;
    6. provide periodic opportunities for education on human participants’ ethics to its own members and to members of the University’s research and scholarly community;
    7. disclose any real, potential or perceived conflicts of interest regarding any relationship to researchers (and team members) who have submitted ethics applications;
    8. regularly review these Policies and Procedures, and recommend any necessary policy changes for Senate approval;
    9. in the event of an ethics appeal at The University of Winnipeg, will serve as an appeal body, under the terms of a joint appeal agreement between Brandon University and The University of Winnipeg; and
    10. in situations of non-compliance, issue the appropriate course of action and penalty.