- Cultural resurgence and food sovereignty: Revitalizing traditional practices with the Oneida Nation of the Thames
By Jennifer Mateer
- Indigenous foodways of the Americas – tradition, territory, terroir
By Ian Puppe
- Navigating the tricky waters of fish consumption advisories in the Upper St Lawrence River
By Barry N. Madison, Kristen Lowitt, Adaku Echendu, Abraham Francis, Lawrence Gunther, Leigh McGaughey, Maneka Kaur, Krystal-Anne Roussel, Zoe St Pierre, and April Weppler
- Winter snowfalls, accumulated snowpack and the spring freshet in the Clear Lake Watershed, Riding Mountain National Park
By Roderick A. McGinn and Dion J. Wiseman
- Achievements of Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program (ELAP) students from Brazil at Brandon University
By Lucca Grzeczeczen-Gonçalves, Samantha Klering, Deborah Nardi, Balfour Spence, and Etsuko Yasui
- Fen peatland restoration and ecotone creation in south-eastern Manitoba
By Pete Whittington and Maria Strack