2024-2025 Regular Session

The Course Listing information below will be as current and complete using all of the information available to date, but note that some changes to individual courses/labs may occur. If a course/lab in which you are registered changes delivery method or time slot, or is cancelled, you will be contacted directly by email. Courses may have enrolment limits. The University reserves the right to cancel courses with low enrolment.

All course information has been updated in the Course Listing PDFs for each faculty below. Here is how you can read them to know more about your own courses:


  • Courses offered fully in-person appear in the Course Listings (below) with a regular slot/time scheduled and a specific building/room assigned. No reference to “online” appears next to them in the Course Listings.

Online Synchronous

  • These classes will be delivered entirely online, in their designated slot. That means you will meet virtually with your class and your instructor, on specific days and at specific times. Many labs are also being delivered online in their regular slots and will also be conducted virtually. These are identified in the Course Listings (below) as ‘ONLINE SYNCH’.

Online Asynchronous

  • These classes or labs will be delivered entirely online, however there will be no common or scheduled meeting times. This means you can access the material at a time that is convenient for you. Of course, not all course material may be posted on the first day, and you may have to meet deadlines on accessing some or all course materials. These are identified in the Course Listings (below) as ‘ONLINE ASYNCH’.

Online Blended

  • These classes or labs are being offered partially online and partially in-person. Different courses or labs will have different amounts of in-person content and will have different requirements for your in-person attendance. Instructors will contact students directly with specifics for each class and lab. These are identified in the Course Listings (below) as ‘ONLINE BLEND’.

Courses with a final exam during the official exam period will be listed in the Exam Timetable; for courses with final exams during class time, students are advised to check with instructor for date and time. Not all courses will have a final exam. In-Person exams will be indicated with a “(P)” and online exams with a “(O)”.

Start/end dates and exam dates will differ for most Education courses and for others as indicated in the Registration Guide. Refer to the Important Dates below.

Consult the current Brandon University Undergraduate or Graduate Calendars for complete information regarding admission, course descriptions and prerequisites, academic regulations and degree requirements.