Oladele Olamide John

Climate Change Researcher

Oladele Olamide John is a climate change researcher at Brandon University. He recently completed his MA in Rural Development at Brandon University. He also holds a BSc, Honors, as well as an MSc in geography and environmental studies from Monash University, the University of Pretoria, and the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, respectively. His extensive background and educational history have raised curiosity regarding the challenges that rural and underdeveloped regions encounter in the face of climate change. John's goal is to contribute valuable insights that can help inform policies and practices aimed at building resilience in vulnerable regions, and communities; by collaborating with local communities and utilizing interdisciplinary approaches, John aims to develop practical and effective solutions that can make a meaningful difference in enhancing their adaptive capacity and promoting sustainable development.

John's current role at the Rural Development Institute involves conducting research on how the various municipalities in Manitoba are mitigating and building resilience against climate change through the policies and plans being implemented, by identifying gaps that exist in these plans. Through this research, John hopes to identify best practices and innovative strategies that can be shared to create awareness and implemented across different regions facing similar challenges.