Honours Program Student Research
Psychology majors completing the 4-yr (honours) program complete a research project as part of their program requirements (Honours thesis 82.499). Students design and complete their projects from start to finish from Sept-April with assistance of a Psychology Department faculty member. The following is a listing of completed projects from 2015 to present.
Student Research Projects
Hannah Corenblum supervised by Dr. Phillip Goernert
The Influence of Context Change on Hypermnesia
Kelsey Crandall supervised by Dr. Marysia Lazinski & Dr. Nancy Newall
Julia Phillips supervised by Dr. Nukte Edguer & Dr. Susan Su
Ben Pilling supervised by Dr. Nicholas Watier & Dr. Phillip Goernert
Aggression is in the shape of the logo: subtle threat cues in professional sports team logos
Madalyn Pryke supervised by Dr. Nancy Newall & Dr. Shannon Gadbois
Morgan Seabrook supervised by Dr. Tammy McKenzie & Dr. Shannon Gadbois
Young Love: How Early Romantic Relationships Impact Self-Perceptions
Megan Secord supervised by Dr. Marysia Lazinski & Dr. Nancy Newall
Kailey Thompson supervised by Dr. Susan Su & Dr. Barry Corenblum
Shelby Doell supervised by Dr. Nukte Edguer and Dr. Shannon Gadbois
COVID-19 Stress: Relationships with Resilience and the Big Five Personality Traits
Maria De Lourdes Garcia Manzano supervised by Dr. Shannon Gadbois and Dr. Tammy McKenzie
Valeria Kalinin supervised by Dr. Nukte Edguer and Dr. Nicholas Watier
The Effects of Self-Control and Self-Awareness on Social Media Usage, Self-Esteem, and Affect
Aspen Kopytko supervised by Dr. Barry Corenblum and Dr. Phillip Goernert
The Effects of Tattoo Type and Attractiveness on Trustworthiness and Employment Suitability
Caeleigh MacDonald supervised by Dr. Phillip Goernert and Dr. Barry Corenblum
Source Monitoring and It’s Relationship to Hypermnesia
Sara Mantell supervised by Dr. Barry Corenblum and Dr. Phillip Goernert
Directed Forgetting of Emotionally-Valenced Faces of In-Group and Out-Group Members
Jolene Osztian supervised by Dr. Nicholas Watier and Dr. Tammy McKenzie
Liliana Pino Redondo supervised by Dr. Tammy McKenzie and Dr. Marysia Lazinski
Social Media Content and its Effect on Women’s Self-Esteem and Body Satisfaction
Christina Romaniuk supervised by Dr. Nukte Edguer and Dr. Shannon Gadbois
The Relationship Between Sexual Self-Concept, Parent-Child Relationships and Personality
Rachel Street supervised by Dr. Shannon Gadbois and Dr. Nukte Edguer
Taylor Blue supervised by Dr. Gabriel Schnerch and Dr. Tammy McKenzie
Simple Positive Psychology Interventions on Internet Gaming Disorder
Emma-leigh Doerksen supervised by Dr. Nukte Edguer and Dr. Nancy Newall
Kendra Fast supervised by Dr. Shannon Gadbois and Dr. Nukte Edguer
Cell Phone use for Leisure: Its Correlates and Content
Kassia Hollier supervised by Dr. Nukte Edguer and Dr. Shannon Gadbois
Childhood Bullying Victimization and Coping Mechanisms in Young Adults
Aderonke Olasunkanmi supervised by Dr. Nancy Newall and Dr. Nicholas Watier
Newcomers to Canada-Brandon, Manitoba: Mental Health, Loneliness and Social Isolation
Sela Ross supervised by Dr. Nicholas Watier and Dr. Tammy McKenzie
How Instagram Filters Might Be Manipulating Your Emotions
Victoria Simard supervised by Dr. Phillip Goernert and Dr. Barry Corenblum
Did the COVID-19 pandemic affect gambling-related behaviours?
Madison Young supervised by Dr. Nukte Edguer and Dr. Shannon Gadbois
The Relationships Among Binge-Watching, Loneliness, Parasocial Relationships and Mood
Anna Hawkins supervised by Dr. Tammy McKenzie
Jenna McDonald supervised by Dr. Shannon Gadbois and Dr. Nukte Edguer
Token Resistance: Clarifying prevalence, reasons, & related variables at present day
Kyrra Rauch supervised by Dr. Phillip Goernert and Dr. Linda Ross
An investigation of the relationship between perfectionism and ego-depletion in response to failure
Taylor Bessette supervised by Dr. Nukte Edguer and Dr. Barry Corenblum
Malevolence and Substance Use: Examining the Dark Triad of Personality
Brock DeGagne supervised by Dr. Nicholas Watier and Dr. Linda Ross
Spatial Frequencies and Threat Perception
Emma Donnelly supervised by Dr. Linda Ross and Dr. Nancy Newall
The Effect of Vocal vs. Instrumental Background Music on Word Recall
Amy Johnson supervised by Dr. Edguer and Dr. McKenzie
An Examination of the Relationships Among Nostalgia, Optimism, and Coping Strategies
James Klassen supervised by Dr. Barry Corenblum and Dr. Phillip Goernert
Narcissism and Behaving Altruistically: The Case of the Helpful Narcissist
Cierra Stamper supervised by Dr. Nancy Newall and Dr. Nicholas Watier
Identifying Social Barriers in Older Adults Living in Rural Areas
Jesse, R. W. Windsor supervised by Dr. Shannon Gadbois and Dr. Nukte Edguer
University Students’ Learning Tendencies, Academic Performance, and Year of Study
Xiao Long Zhou supervised by Dr. Phillip Goernert and Dr. Barry Corenblum
Andrea Antoniuk, supervised by Dr. Phillip Goernert and Dr. Barry Corenblum
Mood, Processing, and False Memory in Problem Solving
Rachel Cook, supervised by Dr. Barry Corenblum and Dr. Phillip Goernert
Effects of Processing Style on Own Race Bias in Face Recognition
Andrea Grove, supervised by Dr. Nicholas Watier and Dr. Linda Ross
The Effects of Psychopathy on Dishonest Behavior
Katelyn Hulley, supervised by Dr. Nukte Edguer and Dr. Tammy McKenzie
Andrew Loregio, supervised by Dr. Nukte Edguer and Dr. Phillip Goernert
Stress in academic life: The impact of stressors on well-being and performance
Corey Norton, supervised by Dr. Nancy Newall and Dr. Shannon Gadbois
Erica Sharanowski, supervised by Dr. Nicholas Watier and Dr. Shannon Gadbois
The Effects of Attractiveness on Metamemory Accuracy for Faces
Hibah Ahmad, supervised by Dr. Nukte Edguer and Dr. Tammy McKenzie
Perfectionism in Relation to Negative Mood and Psychological Wellbeing
Heather Armstrong, supervised by Dr. Nicholas Watier and Dr. Linda Ross
The Effects of Personality Characteristics on Dot Estimation in a Social Context
Kaela Cranston, supervised by Dr. Barry Corenblum and Dr. Phillip Goernert
Effects of Processing Style on Own Race Bias in Face Recognition
Andrew Isaac, supervised by Dr. Phillip Goernert and Dr. Barry Corenblum
The Effects of Global and Local Processing on the Own-Race Bias in Face Recognition
Lisa Kitz, supervised by Dr. Tammy McKenzie and Dr. Nukte Edguer
Spontaneous Numerical Ability in Horses
Stephan Warrener, supervised by Dr. Shannon Gadbois and Dr. Nukte Edguer
Perceptions of Post-Secondary Student-Athletes: Correlates and Predictors of Academic Performance