Call For Abstracts

We welcome abstract submissions for oral and poster presentations for the annual PCAG meeting. Applicants should submit an abstract no longer than 200 words to See submission details below.

Deadline for abstract submissions is Friday, September 10th, 2021.


Please use the words “Abstract Submission” in the e-mail’s message header and include the following in your submission to .

    1. Title: Choose a brief title that clearly indicates the content of your paper or poster.
    2. Author(s): Include the names of all those who contributed to your paper or poster.
      Identify the presenting author using an underline.
    3. Presentation Format: Indicate whether you would like to present a poster or oral presentation.
    4. Abstract: Include an abstract with no more than 200 words summarizing your purpose, methods, findings, and conclusions.


Oral presentations should be 15 minutes in length, within a total allocation of 20 minutes.  It is important that presenters stay within their allotted time to allow 5 minutes for questions and information sharing. Each paper session will have a session chair to assist with time keeping and to facilitate discussion among presenters and meeting participants.


If you are giving a poster presentation as part of the meeting, your display should summarize your knowledge using visuals such as tables, graphs, and pictures. The purpose of this presentation format is to facilitate one-on-one and small group discussions with a broad range of conference attendees.

A poster presentation consists of a single slide, which may be larger to allow the presenter to zoom and pan. You will have 3-5 minutes to present your poster and afterward there will be time for questions from the audience.

Technical details will be communicated later directly to presenters.