New Music Ensemble
The Brandon University New Music Ensemble (BUNME), under the direction of Professor Megumi Masaki, is a collaboration of undergraduate students, comprising all programs, years, and instruments. The group is dedicated to performing a diverse array of new repertoire by living composers for large and small ensembles, and presents an annual New Music Festival at Brandon University. The 2011 festival, “Music that Speaks,” featured composer-in-residence Gary Kulesha from the University of Toronto. Past festivals have featured composers Nicole Lizée of Montreal, T. Patrick Carrabré of Brandon, and Jorge Córdoba Valencia of Mexico City. BUNME also participates in the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra New Music Festival, performing and receiving coachings each year from world-renowned composers including Stephen Stucke, John Psathas, and John Corigliano.
Director: Megumi Masaki
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