Compositional Analysis
Characteristic X-Ray Spectra

- X-rays are generated when an electron is removed from an orbital shell falls back into the empty space and an X-ray photon is emitted
- With the electron beam focused on a single point (spot scan), characteristic X-rays are produced from that spot
- The EDS detector captures, counts, and displays these as X-ray spectra
- The X-ray spectra acquired indicate elements that are present (composition)
INCA x-act X-ray Detector
INCAx-act LN2-free Analytical Silicon Drift Detector with PentaFET® Precision has six advantages:
- The Speed of a Silicon Drift Detector (>500,000cps)
- The Accuracy of the INCA Quant software
- The Reliability of an INCA x-stream pulse processor
- The Convenience of an LN2-free System
- The Quality of Oxford Instruments Technology
- The Precision of Oxford Instruments PentaFET® Technology
- Guaranteed carbon resolution in accordance with ISO 15632:2002!
- Stable, accurate results 10 times faster than conventional SDDs
- Accurate quantitative & qualitative analysis you can trust
- Superior light element detection at all count rates
- Fast, simple, andeffective mapping without pile-up problems
- Consistent signal output with increasing count rates
Composition: Point & ID
BSE image with quantitative point analysis and a corresponding EDS X-ray spectrum.

Composition: Elemental Mapping
Elemental mapping showing the relationship between vanadium with titanium and the inverse correlation of vanadium with calcium-bearing minerals.

Composition: Rare Phase Searches
Precious minerals are usually small and rare phases. The SEM can locate and identify precious minerals by automated searches.