Micro-Analytical Facilities
Brandon University’s micro-analytical facilities offers state-of-the-art services for industry, government and academia. We conduct collaborative multi-disciplinary research, analyzing inorganic, fabricated, and biological specimens. We proudly house the newly upgraded Manitoba Mineral Analytical Facility (MMAF), which specializes in services to the environmental, exploration and mining sectors in Canada.

Scanning electron microscope – secondary electron image of a German cockroach leg (tarsus with setae and spines). Imaged with the Jeol JSM-6300 SEM and colorized in house.
We house a JEOL JSM-6390LV Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) equipped with an Oxford Instruments ULTIM MAX 100 Energy Dispersive Spectrometer (EDS) X-ray detector and the latest analytical software. The SEM is primarily used for high-resolution IMAGING at high magnifications (up to 300,000X magnification), and quantitative COMPOSITIONAL analysis of specimens. This powerful analytical tool has endless applications in many fields of science and technology.
Brandon University’s MAF also houses a Rigaku Miniflex 6G X-ray diffractometer, with both copper and cobalt cathode options so a wider range of samples may be analyzed. It is used for bulk qualitative and quantitative phase analysis of powdered samples.
Funding for the Micro Analytical Facility and Lapidary Facility was provided by Priarie Economic Diversification Canada, Brandon University, and our Industry partners. Corporate donations include Chevron Standard, VMS Ventures Ltd, Harvest Gold Corp, Gossan Resources and Rockcliff Resources Inc. Funding for the CFI Laboratory includes the Canada Foundation for Innovation, Western Economic Diversification Canada, Tundra Oil and Gas Ltd, Cabot Corp, Tantalum Mining Corp of Canada, Manitoba Innovation Fund, Joe Brain Foundation, and Tikal Resources Corp.
At Brandon University we realize that individual needs may vary from client to client and we encourage you to contact us to discuss your specific project and analytical requirements.