Course Reserves

The library is now prioritizing electronic reserves. This practice is consistent with other academic libraries and provides more flexible access to resources for users. Scanned book chapters, links to online articles in library databases, and other electronic resources are housed in the library’s E-Reserves site on Moodle. For more information please contact Donna Lowe.

A limited number of physical resources are occasionally put on Reserve as well. These items may be signed out for limited periods of time from either the Main or Music circulation desks. You can find out what material is on Reserve for your course by searching the Brandon University Course Reserve catalog.

Searching for reserves is a simple process. You can search for a specific course name:

eg. European Economic History

You can also search for reserves by using your professor’s name:

eg. MacKay


The library will place any material which you deem to be in high demand on either electronic or physical Reserve. If you wish to place material on Reserve, it is a good idea to do so at least one week before classes begin, as some material may need to be recalled, and all materials take time to process.

Requests for scanned articles and links to electronic books or other online resources may be placed using the online form for the Main library or the Music library. Requests for physical items to be placed on Reserve may also be made using these online forms, or you can fill in and submit the paper form available at either library circulation desk.

Physical materials on Reserve may be signed out for either a 2-hour or a 1-day loan period.  Items on reserve may be located by searching our online Reserve Collection.

Before listing any book or journal article on a reading list, please ensure that the book or journal is in our collection, or that you have ensured it will be in our collection. If you have ordered a book, check the item to confirm its arrival. If you want to place a personal item on reserve, you can do so by contacting Donna Lowe at least one week in advance of class. Doing so will result in less confusion during busy course periods.