Faculty Information

Library Instruction

The library provides bibliographic instruction sessions. These can be arranged throughout the year, and sessions can be devoted to effective search strategies for the online catalog, any number of databases, or the World Wide Web. The evaluation of sources for academic merit is also discussed.

If you have a class, and would like them to acquire the information literacy skills needed to do research, contact Marian Ramage (Phone: 727-7463, E-Mail: Ramagem@BrandonU.CA)

Professors are encouraged to contact the library if they:

  1. have any questions,
  2. would like to incorporate an information literacy component into their curriculum,
  3. or would like to arrange a bibliographic instruction course for their class.

Reference Services

Virtual Reference is available Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm. Click the Chat button located on the bottom right of your browser window to get started. Email us at library@brandonu.ca when chat is offline. We will respond the following business day.

Off campus access to library databases is available by following the instructions on our
Off-Campus Access page.

Help Desk

In Fall/Winter 2020-2021, the IT Helpdesk will be available virtually due to COVID-19. Please use the ticket system , email us  or call 204-571-8500 to submit an IT request.

Off-Campus Services

The library provides regular off-campus library services for students enrolled in Extension, IUN or Campus Manitoba courses. More information about the service can be attained by visiting our Off-Campus Library Services home page.

Borrower Information

Borrower’s Cards

New Faculty to the university will need to acquire a Borrowers Card if they wish to take out materials. These cards are issued at the Circulation Desk of the Library and they can be kept there on file if you so wish.

Loan Periods

Full-Time faculty presently are given a 100 day loan period. Sessional instructors and research assistants are given an one month loan. Renewals may be provided if no one else has requested or placed a hold on a book. The maximum number of renewals is two, and a book which is either renewed, or on 100 day loan, may be recalled if another patron requests it.


Graduate Students and Faculty can apply for a COPPUL Borrowers Card. This card will allow you to sign out books, or request Inter-Library Loans, when you are visiting another university in Canada. Undergraduates are also now eligible to get a card for the purposes of borrowing books when they are in most other Canadian university libraries.

To apply for a COPPUL Borrowers Card, simply contact:

Chris Hurst, Systems Librarian
Phone: 727-9688
E-Mail: Hurst@BrandonU.CA


Marian Ramage, Reference and Electronic Services Librarian
Phone: 727-7463
E-Mail: Ramagem@BrandonU.CA

Course Materials


The library will place any material which you deem to be in high demand on reserve. If you wish to place material on reserve, it is a good idea to do so at least one week before classes begin as some material may need to be recalled, and all materials take time to process.

To place material on reserve you can either fill in a paper form and return it to the main or the music circulation desk, or you can fill in the online form for the main library or the music library.

For more information please contact Donna Lowe (727-9630).

Checking Books on Order

If you would like to check on a book you placed on order, simply do an author or title check on the library catalogue. The catalogue will provide a Call Number and Location if it has arrived and been catalogued.