Borrowing Information

The library stacks are open for browsing and items can be borrowed in person. Library materials can still be requested through the Library Catalogue for in-person pick up when the request is processed. Here’s a link to the instructions. This service is not available to community borrowers. You will need to sign into your library account with your BU email address to request the item.

Library Cards

  • You must have a current BU Student ID card to sign out material.
  • You are responsible for every item signed out on your card.
  • You may not use someone else’s card or allow anyone to use your card.
  • Community Borrowers must provide a current photo ID with current address to borrow material.

Loan Periods

  • Reference Books are for in-Library use only.
  • Periodicals are 1-week loan.
  • Books are 4 week loan.
  • Most other items (ex. DVDs, CDs) are 2 week loan.
  • Reserve and Curriculum item loan periods vary, so be sure to check.

Loan Restrictions

  • Reserve = 2 items at a time.
  • Periodicals = 5 items at a time.
  • Stack Item = 5 items in each subject area

Loan Renewals

  • As long as the item is not on hold (requested by another patron) you may renew it twice.
  • You may renew items in person; by emailing; or by telephone during library hours (Main Circulation: 204-727-9646, or Music Circulation: 204-727-9630).


  • If an item you have signed out is put on hold by another patron, you will be notified by email, and your due date will be shortened to 1 week from the day you are notified.

Inter-Library Loans

  • Need a resource that the BU Library doesn’t have in its collections? Interlibrary Loans (ILL) can help you get it from another library! ILL services are available to current students, faculty, and staff at Brandon University. For more information, please contact

Reserve Material

  • The library prioritizes online access for Reserve materials, and electronic resources such as scanned book chapters, links to online articles, etc. may be found in the library’s site on Moodle. Any physical resources placed on Reserve may be signed out by inquiring at either the Main or Music circulation desks.

Overdue Material

  • Materials are fined on a per item, per day basis. The fee for books in the general collection is 50 Cents Per Day, Per Item.
  • Reserve materials are fined by the hour. The fee for overdue Reserve items is $1.00 Per Hour, Per Item.
  • If your fines reach $5.00, your borrowing privileges will be suspended. Your fines will be billed and transferred to the BU Business Office where payments must be made.
  • If items are not returned, borrowing privileges are suspended. You will be billed for their replacement costs plus a billing fee. This bill is payable at the BU Business Office.


  • Brandon University students and faculty can now use their COPPUL card all through Canada! Click here to get full details.

Book Returns

  • Book return slots are available at Library entrances.
  • There are no return slots on the outside of the building. If the McKenzie and George T. Richardson buildings are locked, students and faculty can swipe in using their BU ID card or key fob, between 6am and midnight. There is a book drop in the foyer outside the Library where books can be returned.

If you are not a Brandon University Student, Staff or Faculty Member

  • You can borrow books from the John E. Robbins library.
  • To do so, you must present a current piece of government issued ID (with photo) whenever you wish to borrow material.
  • We will not ship library material directly to you. If you are at a distance and want to borrow BU Library material, you should contact your local library and have them arrange an interlibrary loan.