Expanding knowledge-sharing of cybersecurity through an Indigenous lens
This educational research project took place from 2019-2023. It was funded by a Community Investment Grant from the Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA), under the category of Engagement: Research and knowledge-sharing activities that broaden public understanding and participation in Internet policy development, governance and cybersecurity.
The project involved travel to Indigenous rural communities to facilitate discussions surrounding online privacy, through broad-interest workshops that fit the needs of the communities (aimed at specific age ranges/grades at elementary, middle, and high schools), as well as an adult learning class at a Friendship Center in an urban area. The workshops explored everyday issues surrounding cybersecurity.
Educational materials related to this project here, for others working on similar projects to download and adapt to their needs.
This project was headed by Dr. Sarah Plosker (Mathematics) and Dr. Gautam Srivastava (Computer Science).