Katherine Pachkowski
Katherine Pachkowski
R.P.N., B.Sc.P.N., M.Sc.
Assistant Professor – Psychiatric Nursing (Winnipeg Site)
Phone: (204) 772-0377 (ext. 877)
Fax: (204) 772-7842
Office: 612
Katherine Pachkowski is a registered psychiatric nurse and assistant professor. She is originally from rural Manitoba. She has worked in a variety of clinical and academic environments, as well as with RPN regulatory bodies at the provincial and national levels. Currently working on her PhD, she divides her time between Winnipeg and Scotland.
PhD (in progress) Health in Social Science, University of Edinburgh (expected completion Jan. 2022)
MSc Bioethics, McGill University
BScPN Psychiatric Nursing, Brandon University
Research Interests
Katherine’s area of research focus is interdisciplinary approaches to examining ethics in mental health care. Her research interests are at the intersection of human rights, ethics and the philosophy of mental health. She has a special interest in healthcare policy, especially as it relates to people in rural, remote and isolated communities.
Selected Publications
Graham, J. M., Waddell, C., M., Pachkowski, K., & Friesen, H. (2019). Educating the educators: Determining the uniqueness of Psychiatric Nursing practice to inform Psychiatric Nurse education. Issues in Mental Health Nursing. 10.1080/01612840.2019.1678081
Pachkowski, K., (2019). Ethical practice in community health. In A. R. Vollman & E. T. Anderson (Eds.), Canadian community as partner: Theory and multidisciplinary practice. Wolter Kluwer.
Aquin, E. & Pachkowski, K. Crossing health care borders. To appear in McAllister, M. & Brien, D.L. (Eds), Empowerment strategies for nurses: Developing resilience in practice (2nd Ed.). Springer: New York.
Pachkowski, K. (2018). Ethical Competence and Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing Education. Why? What? How? Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 25 (1), 60-66. doi: 10.1111/jpm.12439.