Michelle Hood
Student Advisor
Department of Psychiatric Nursing
E-Mail: hoodm@brandonu.ca
Phone: (204) 727-7403
Fax: (204) 571-8568
Michelle joined Brandon University in August 2019 as the Student Advisor in the Department of Psychiatric Nursing. Prior to that she was employed at Prairie Mountain Health for 15 years as a RPN on the inpatient unit at the Child and Adolescent Treatment Center in Brandon. She also worked as a Student Success Advisor in the Business, Agriculture and Environment Department at Assiniboine Community College in Brandon. She currently works as an RPN in Independent Practice as well.
Michelle came to Brandon University in 1998 as a member of the Brandon University Women’s basketball team and completed her BScPN while maintaining her commitment as a student athlete. Michelle is an active community member having participated on a number of volunteer boards including her current commitment as a member of the Board of Directors for the Brandon and Area Community Foundation.
RPN, Bachelor of Science Psychiatric Nursing, Brandon University