Dr. Kathryn Chachula

R.N., B.N., M.N., Ph.D, CCNE
Associate Professor – Nursing
Phone: (204) 571-8580
Fax: (204) 571-8568
Office: HSB 041



Kathryn Chachula is a Registered Nurse with a diverse clinical background that includes community health nursing in a remote, fly-in First Nations community in northern Manitoba, nursing within a rural community in New South Wales, Australia, among other experiences that include medicine, post-operative nursing, critical care, and emergency nursing.

Kathryn has served as a Council member on the College of Registered Nurses of Manitoba. She is a Research Affiliate with the Manitoba Centre for Nursing and Health Research and program reviewer for the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing. She also serves as a Teaching Affiliate with Brandon University’s Centre for Teaching, Learning, and Technology.


Doctor of Philosophy of Nursing, University of Saskatchewan
Master of Nursing (Special Focus: Teaching and Learning in Nursing Education), University of Alberta
Graduate Certificate in Simulation Education, Bryan College of Health Sciences
Advanced Studies in Critical Care Nursing, Mount Royal University
Bachelor of Nursing, University of Manitoba

Research Interests

Dr. Chachula’s research centres upon teaching and learning in nursing education, incivility, student experiences of psychological trauma, simulated learning environments, inter-professional education, the transition experience of Licensed Practical Nurses into undergraduate nursing education, as well as the experience of newly graduated Registered and Psychiatric Nurses entering the workforce. Kathryn has a particular interest in qualitative methodology that includes Phenomenology (van Manen), Grounded Theory (Glaser and Charmaz), as well as mixed methods research.

Selected Publications


Chachula, K., & Smith, N. (April 22, 2024). Racism, microaggressions, and sexism: Is this the welcome new graduates were expecting? Canadian Nurse. https://www.canadian-nurse.com/blogs/cn-content/2024/04/22/is-this-the-welcome-grads-were-expecting.

 Chachula, K., Dusome, D., & Smith, N. (2023). New registered nurse and registered psychiatric nurse graduates’ transition-to-practice amid the pandemic: An art-based grounded theory study. Nurse Education Today, 130, [Article number: 105946]. 1-7.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nedt.2023.105946

Chachula, K., & Varley, E. (2022). Perceptions and experiences of psychological trauma in nursing and psychiatric nursing students: A small scale qualitative case study. PLoS ONE, 17(11) [e0277195]. 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0277195

Chachula, K. (2021). Professional quality of life factors and relationships in nursing and psychiatric nursing students: An exploratory study. SAGE Open Nursing, 7, [Article number: 994394]. 1-13. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/2377960821994394

Chachula, K., Hyndman, K., & Smith, M. (2020). From practical nurse to bachelor of nursing student: Bridging the transition. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship, 17(1), 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1515/ijnes-2020-0048

Chachula, K. (2020). A comprehensive review of compassion fatigue in pre-licensure health students: Antecedents, attributes, and consequences. Current Psychology. PMID: 33078054. 1-13. doi: 10.1007/s12144-020-01122-3

Chachula, K., Smith, M., & Hyndman, K. (2019). Practical nurses’ lived experience of returning to school. Nurse Educator, 44(1), 53-57. doi: 10.1097/NNE.0000000000000543

Rohatinsky, N., Chachula, K., Sedgwick, M., Press, M., Compton, R., & Lane, B. (2018). Comparison of nursing student and instructor preferences for block and non-block clinical models. Nurse Educator, 43(4), E1-EE6. doi: 10.1097/NNE.0000000000000458

Chachula, K., Myrick, F., & Yonge, O. (2015). Letting go: How newly graduated registered nurses in Western Canada decide to exit the nursing profession. Nurse Education Today, 35, 912-918. doi: 10.1016/j.nedt.2015.02.024