Board Meeting Materials & Minutes
Meeting Materials
Board of Governors meetings are held on the fourth Saturday of the month (unless otherwise indicated) on the Brandon University campus. The Open Session of the meeting begins at 8:30 a.m.
Effective March 2025, Open Session meeting materials – excluding the previous Open Session meeting’s minutes – will be posted on this webpage on the Thursday before each regularly scheduled meeting. The prior Open Session minutes will be posted following Board approval. Please note that the meeting materials are subject to change and that all materials remain subject to Board approval.
2025 Meeting Materials
Meeting Minutes
The following guidelines govern access to Brandon University Board of Governors minutes and other Board of Governors archival material:
- Anyone seeking access to Board of Governors Minutes from 1938 to 10 years ago or other Board of Governors archival materials must obtain written authorization of the Board Secretariat. Prospective researchers are required to submit a written application to the Board Secretariat, providing their identification and specifying the purpose of their research.
- All requests for information are governed by the provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) and the Personal Health Information Act (PHIA).
- Fragile or otherwise endangered documents may be withheld from circulation on a decision by the Board Secretariat.
- On the decision of the Board Secretariat, the researcher will be required to sign a declaration indicating their willingness to adhere to all existing regulations.
- Those denied access to the Minutes or other Board of Governors archival material by the Board Secretariat or those wishing to challenge the content or the application of the above may appeal to the Secretary of the Board of Governors whose ruling will be final.
Open Session Approved Minutes
- January 26, 2019
- March 16, 2019
- May 11, 2019
- June 22, 2019
- August 15, 2019
- September 28, 2019
- November 23, 2019
- January 23, 2016
- March 19, 2016
- May 14, 2016
- June 25, 2016
- September 13, 2016
- September 24, 2016
- November 26, 2016