Board Committees

The Board of Governors establishes standing committees of the Board to assist in carrying out the duties of the Board of Governors. These standing committees report to the Board of Governors. Board Committees are defined in By-law No. 11 – Committees of the Board of Governors.

Audit & Risk Committee

The Audit and Risk Committee provides oversight of the institution’s financial and administrative operations, internal audit function and internal controls, and ensures that appropriate processes are in place to identify, report, and control areas of significant risk to the University. The Committee provides an avenue of communication among external auditors, administration, and the Board of Governors.


Board of Governors Role Current Member
Vice-Chair (serves as Chair of this Committee) Quintin Pearce
Chair Kevan Sumner
Treasurer Dean Hammond
Secretary Joseph Pelletier
Two external Board members-at-large, elected by the Board of Governors Sunday Frangi
Steven Soder
Non-Voting Resources Current Member
President & Vice-Chancellor David Docherty
Vice-Presidents Bernadette Ardelli
Kofi Campbell
Peter Hickey
Director, Financial & Registration Services Allison Noto
Board Secretariat Louise Moss
Meghan Lamontagne

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee provides oversight of the institution’s financial operations to ensure the fiscal stability and long-term economic health of the institution. The Committee supports budget development and ensures a transparent and collaborative budget process.


Board of Governors Role Current Member
Treasurer (serves as Chair of this Committee) Dean Hammond
Chair Kevan Sumner
President & Vice-Chancellor David Docherty
One faculty senator elected by and from the Board of Governors Bryan Hill
One student elected by and from the Board of Governors Ayushi Patel
One OIC member-at-large, elected by the Board of Governors Joseph Pelletier
Non-Voting Resources Current Member
Vice-Presidents Bernadette Ardelli
Kofi Campbell
Peter Hickey
Director, Financial & Registration Services Allison Noto
Board Secretariat Louise Moss
Meghan Lamontagne

Governance & Nominating Committee

The Governance & Nominating Committee provides oversight on the Board’s governance stewardship, policies, and bylaws, including the Board’s orientation and development processes.


Board of Governors Role Current Member
Secretary (serves as Chair of this Committee) Joseph Pelletier
Chair Kevan Sumner
President & Vice-Chancellor David Docherty
One faculty senator elected by and from the Board of Governors Michelle Magnusson
One student elected by and from the Board of Governors Charles Adamu
One OIC member-at-large, elected by the Board of Governors Whitney Hodgins
Non-Voting Resources Current Member
Vice-Presidents Bernadette Ardelli
Kofi Campbell
Peter Hickey
Board Secretariat Louise Moss
Meghan Lamontagne

Human Resources Committee

The Human Resources Committee provides oversight and guidance on policies and matters related to human resources, compensation, and employee relations.


Board of Governors Role Current Member
Vice-Chair (serves as Chair of this Committee) Quintin Pearce
Chair Kevan Sumner
Treasurer Dean Hammond
Secretary Joseph Pelletier
One external Board member-at-large, elected by the Board of Governors Sunday Frangi
Non-Voting Resources Current Member
President & Vice-Chancellor David Docherty
Vice-Presidents Bernadette Ardelli
Kofi Campbell
Peter Hickey
Associate Vice-President, People & Talent Kristen Fisher
Board Secretariat Louise Moss
Meghan Lamontagne