Brandon University Foundation

The Brandon University Foundation (BUF) supports the University in a fundraising capacity, while providing financial recommendations to the Board of Governors. The activities, roles and responsibilities of the Foundation members, the Brandon University Alumni Association, and the University, are governed by the Tripartite Agreement.
As a donor, you deserve certain rights, such as a right to the privacy of your personal information; the right to receive honest answers about giving; the right to expect accountability in financial statements; the right to know how your gift is being used; the right to receive appropriate recognition for your gift, and others. These rights are enshrined in The Donor’s Bill of Rights (developed in conjunction with the international Association of Fundraising Professionals, or AFP).
BUF Annual Report
BUF Board Members
Title | Name |
President | Ms Tilda Fortier |
Vice President | Mr. Chris Hunt |
Past-President | Mr. Dwight Conroy |
Treasurer | Mr. Kerry Auriat |
BOG OIC Rep. (Appointed) | Mr. Quintin Pearce |
BUAA Rep. (Appointed) | Vacant |
BUSU Rep. (Appointed) | Ms Kesha Haulder |
BOG Senate Rep. | Mr. Bryan Hill |
BOG Student Rep. | Vacant |
Member | Vacant |
Member | Mr. Ray Berthelette |
Member | Mr. Laurence Bertram |
Member | Mr. Emelio Brown |
Member | Mr. Richard Greer |
Member | Ms Leah LaPlante |
Member | Mr. Michael Leech |
Member | Ms Lavone Lesperance-Caron |
Member | Dr. A. Hamid Mumin |
Member | Dr. William Myers |
Member | Ms Reta Saborowski |
Member | Dr. Kofi Campbell, Vice-President (Academic & Provost) |
Ex-Officio | President & Vice Chancellor – Dr. David Docherty |
Ex-Officio | Vice President Administration & Finance – Peter Hickey |
Ex-Officio | Director, Advancement & Alumni Affairs – Mrs. Carla Eisler |
Ex-Officio | His Worship Mayor Jeff Fawcett |