Morufu Basiru ’15
Geoscientist at Ikon Science Ltd., Calgary, AB
Brief biography:

Morufu about to traverse and climb through a side canyon of Tusher Canyon, Book Cliffs, Utah.
I was born and brought up in Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State Nigeria; and I attended the Federal Polytechnics Ado-Ekiti, where I bagged HND in Mineral Resources Engineering. In 2010, I migrated to Canada with my family and in the winter term of 2011, I enrolled in the Geology program at Brandon University. During my time at BU, I worked as research assistance (RA) with Dr. Pattison for two consecutive summers (2012 & 2013). In 2015, I graduated from BU with a B.Sc. (Hon)- Geology major and minor in Mathematics. In 2017, I obtained a M.Sc. degree in Earth Sciences at Simon Fraser University Burnaby BC, where my research focused on the petrology and sedimentology of the McMurray Formation.
Presently, I am interested in Rock Physics i.e., linking reservoir elastic properties to their petrophysical properties. My core competencies are: a good understanding of sequence stratigraphic concepts (include well to well correlations) and its processes; an excellent understanding of reservoir characterization, specifically sedimentology (lithology and facies distribution), depositional settings as well as diagenetic processes; pre-stack data analysis (AVO); calibration of geology (well-logs) to seismic amplitude; rock physics diagnostics and rock physics model/transform; well-to-seismic tie (understanding goodness of fit and accuracy / analysis of wavelet phase and timing); inversion of angle-independent and angle-dependent seismic attributes; calculation of reservoir parameters such as: Vsh, Vcl, Sw, permeability and porosity from well-logs; and quantitative and qualitative mineralogical evaluations, petrographic image analysis (e.g., SEM, XRD, and thin section) and detailed core description.
Where did you grow up?
I grew up in Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State Nigeria.
Why are you interested in Geology?
I am interested in Geology because of my curiosity. When I was growing up, there was a belief among my peers that petroleum is found in underground containers that if one is lucky, he could find one in their house. To me, this assertion did not seem right, therefore I vowed that I would do everything within my capacity to understand all the processes involved in the formation of petroleum.
How did you become interested in Geology?
I became more interested in Geology after I took a Facies and Basins Analysis class and I found out that I could reconstruct depositional settings. I could remember vividly that in 2013 I logged a core taken from the GoM (Gulf of Mexico) in the Facies and Basins Analysis lab. Based on the facies and facies associations observed in the core, I interpreted it as fluvial setting overlaying a shoreface environment. Since then, I fell in love with Geology.
Role of BU Geology?
I am extremely lucky to have studied geology at BU because BU Geology gave me a very solid foundation to build on for Grad school. This was possible because of BU Geology’s small class sizes, excellent teaching and laboratory facilities, and easy and direct access to professors.
Any sage advice for prospective high school students?
Be true to yourself. Explore and experiment but don’t lose track of who you are.