Jason Hyde ’20

Production Geologist In Training in Ontario, Canada
Growing up in a megacity in Nigeria, starting University in a small city like Brandon was both exciting and scary all at once. I was excited to be in a new environment. But I was also worried about the huge change of pace. However, I was drawn to BU because of the smaller atmosphere. The ability to have one on one relationships with each of my professors was a great selling point for me, and it proved to be as helpful as I believed it would be. I chose Geology because I enjoy learning why things work the way they do. My career has progressed quite rapidly. My first position was as a core logger, and within a few months of doing that, I became a Production Geologist In Training (GIT).
The BU geology program gave me a great foundation to launch my career from. I learned invaluable lessons about Geology and the professional industry from my professors. One thing I like about Geology is that it has a host of career paths. If you like understanding processes and rocks. Then I think Geology is definitely for you.