Projected Course Offerings

This schedule presents PROJECTED undergraduate course offerings as of the latest edit date, below. Offerings may change. For courses offered through other departments please confirm offering schedule with that department. Updated: July 2024

The information from the table below is available in PDF format here: Projected_course_offerings_2023_to_2025


2023-24 2024-25
Term 1 Term 2 Spring Term 1 Term 2 Spring
169 How the Earth Works: Fundamentals of Physical Geography (no lab) Wiseman . . . . .
170 How Earth Works: Applied Physical Geography (with lab) Wiseman . . Wiseman . .
179 World Regional Geography . . . . . .
180 People & Places: Human Geography . Eberts, Herron . .  TBA .
192 Environment & Society Malcolm . . Malcolm . .
250 Intro to Weather & Climate . Wiseman . . Wiseman .
251 Health Place & Environment Herron . . Herron . .
265 Applied Quantitative Methods in Geog. . Eberts . . TBA .
267 Sustainable Prairie Ecosystems . Irvine . . Irvine .
278 Geomorphology Wiseman . . Koiter . .
279 Intro. to Geographic Research Methods Mikati . . Mikati . .
280 Economic Geography Eberts . Lashkari . .
282 Cultural Geography . Mikati . . Mikati .
283 Canada: A Regional Geography Mikati . . Mikati . .
286 GIS I Wiseman . Wiseman . .
290 Global Environmental Change . . . . Mikati .
291 Soils & Soil Conservation . TBA . . . .
292 Geography of Water Resources Whittington . . . . .
294 Outdoor Recreation and Tourism . Malcolm . . . .
350 Food, Communities & Justice: Geographies of Food . Mikati . . Mikati .
353 Remote Sensing . Wiseman . . Wiseman .
358 Field Studies in Geography . . cancelled . . .
360 Rural and Small Town Canada . Mikati . . Herron .
373 Biogeography & Wildlife Management Malcolm . . . . .
375 Hydrology Whittington . Whittington . .
376 GIS II . Wiseman . . Wiseman .
381 Urban Geography Eberts . . Lashkari . .
384 Wilderness and Protected Area Mgmt. . . . . Malcolm .
396 Rural Community Studies*RD . Robles . . Robles .
398 Applied Topics in Geography I#
399 Directed Studies#
449 Honours Thesis#
457 Wetlands . . . . . Whittington
463 Rural Tourism*RD . . . Ramsey . .
464 Rural Resource Development*RD
471 Rural-Urban Fringe*RD . . . . . .
476 Environmental Impact Assessment*ESci . Lewis . . Lewis .
477 Advanced Geomatics . . Wiseman . . Wiseman
479 Hydrogeology*Geol
488 Directed Readings#
492 Sustainable Natural Resource Management . Malcolm . . Malcolm .
494 Limnology . . . Koiter . .
499 Applied Topics in Geography II#
Sabbatical Schedule (a=approved, e=eligible) Koiter (a) Koiter (a) . . . .

* cross-listed course taught by another department: Biol=Biology, Geol=Geology, RD=Rural Development, ESci=Environmental Science
# course offered on demand for individual students
TBA = “To Be Announced” (usually due to sabbatical)
Courses showing no scheduled offering (other than those indicated by #) denote irregularly offered courses.