English and Creative Writing

At BU’s Department of English & Creative Writing you can study of English literature in a small, friendly environment. Study works ranging from Aeschylus’s Agamemnon, Shakespeare’s King Lear, and Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, to Miriam Toews’s A Complicated Kindness and Gary Schteyngart’s Super Sad True Love Story. Employers consistently rate oral and written communication skills as a top job requirement. The 2013 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) in the U.S. found that student reading levels were higher the more frequently they discussed interpretations of what they read. Students can explore their interests in Canadian, British, American, and World Literatures.
In Creative Writing classes, students can develop the skills to tell their own stories. Students receive expert guidance in how to write poems and plays, screenplays and short stories, works of creative non-fiction, and multimedia projects. English students will develop skills in literary and textual analysis, critical thought, academic writing, creative writing, written and oral communication, knowledge of historical literary periods, literary genres, and national literatures.
High School Pre-Requisite for Majors
- ENGL 40S
Sample of Available Courses
- Intro to English Literature
- University Writing
- Gothic Fiction
- Narrative Film
- Shakespeare
- Twentieth-Century American Drama
- Short Fiction Writing
Possible Careers
Teaching, Journalism, Library Work, Media, Communications, Bookstore Management, Publicity, Advertising, Academic Research, Law, Arts Administration, Creative Writing, Government
Contact Information
Brandon University
Department of English
Rosanne Gasse, Chair
Phone: 204-727-9795
Email: gasse@brandonu.ca
Department web address: https://www.brandonu.ca/english/