Professional societies and organizations
- Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba (EGM)
- BEAHR (Building Environmental Aboriginal Human Resources: resources for aboriginal youth seeking a career in the environmental industry)
- Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
- Canadian Society of Environmental Biologists
- Environmental Studies Association of Canada
- Canadian University Environmental Science Network
Government sites
- Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment
- Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors
- Climate Change Connection (information about climate change specific to Manitoba)
- Environmental Assessment (Environment Canada)
- Manitoba Conservation
- Manitoba Environmental Industries Association Inc. (NB: has a student chapter)
- ECO Canada (Environmental Careers Organization of Canada; formerly known as CCHREI)
- The World Conservation Union (IUCN)
- University College of the North Ecotourism Program (former Keewatin Community College)
- City of Brandon’s Environment Home page
- Natural Resources Canada
Manitoba protected area
- Churchill Northern Studies Centre (northern Manitoba and arctic conservation, education and research)
- Frog watch (Manitoba)
- Flora of Manitoba (native plants)
Community-based organizations or programs
- The Green Pages (Canada’s environmental information portal)
- The Green Pages Manitoba (Manitoba’s environmental information portal)
- Tree Canada Foundation (Provides education, technical assistance, resources and financial support to encourage Canadians to plant and care for trees in an effort to help reduce the harmful effects of CO2 emissions).