Secondary Gateways

The Secondary Campus Gateways are not as prominent as the Primary Gateways in terms of vehicular entry or volume of exposure but are significant because of their heritage representation and link to downtown Brandon.
Lorne Avenue and 18th Street Gateway
The Lorne Avenue and 18th Street Gateway has great significance in the Campus Master Plan as it represents the terminus to the first campus building, Clark Hall and therefore functions as the heritage gateway into the Campus. The alignment of Clark Hall is aligned on axis with what was a grand east-west avenue at the time.
The placement of the building allows for long views to the University from the east neighbourhood, and back toward the City. This gateway is enhanced as a formal pedestrian-oriented entryway into the Campus, while defining a collegiate place of arrival.
- This gateway is to be represented in the enhancement of the formal open space fronting Clark Hall. (Refer to the Formal Front Plaza Forecourt section of the Open Space Framework for policies regarding design of the gateway space).
- Gateway treatments must reflect high-quality design and materiality and should be respectful of and enhance the significance of Clark Hall.
- Gateway treatments must not detract from Clark Hall, or obscure views to the building.
- Streetscape enhancement for 18th Street must include safe signalized pedestrian crossings at the intersection. Enhanced materials should be used for the crosswalk and a raised intersection treatment should be considered.
Princess Avenue and 18th Street Gateway
Princess Avenue is the main connection between the Campus and downtown. It is the north easterly face to the community and the first point of contact with the Campus for travellers coming from a northerly direction. This is the forested face of the University, represented by a remnant heritage landscape that, in itself, can be enhanced as a strong gateway feature.
- The gateway treatment at this intersection should be of a scale that is complementary to the surrounding residential fabric and engage the heritage landscape. Subtle treatments such as free standing art framed by the trees, or a low stone wall with BU signage and integrated seating are welcoming and engaging.
- The streetscape design must include safe pedestrian crossings at the intersection. Enhanced materials should be used for the cross-walk and a raised intersection treatment should be considered.