Primary Gateways

The Primary Campus Gateways are either the main entrances into the Campus or the major address and face to the community.
Victoria Avenue and 18th Street Gateway
Victoria Avenue is the busiest intersection and connection to the Campus and is one of the most prominent gateways. As a result, it is extremely important that the University establish a visible presence and identity at this intersection.
- The gateway should be represented by an iconic building of architectural significance and height at this corner. The building itself can function as a gateway treatment and should clearly represent BU’s identity.
- Provide clear pedestrian access points into the Campus at the intersection, including passageways alongside the field, and through building entrances along 18th Street.
- Wayfinding signage should be used at this intersection.
Louise Avenue and 18 Street Gateway
18th Street and Louise Avenue is the most important multi-modal gateway for Brandon University as it functions as the main entrance into the campus from the City. It is the primary face to surrounding neighbourhoods and is deserving of the most prominent architectural, landscape, and sculptural gateway features to suit.
- Treatments at this gateway can include significant architectural building form, stand alone gateway treatments, significant landscape treatments, or a combination thereof.
- Gateway treatments must reflect high-quality design and materiality.
- Gateway treatments need to command visibility at this intersection. Consideration for colour, materiality, height, building transparency and animation should be part of the design objectives.
- The streetscape design must include safe pedestrian crossings at the intersection. Enhanced materials should be used for the crosswalk and a raised intersection treatment should be considered.
- The streetscape design must include clear and generous pedestrian pathway connections into the campus and to buildings at the intersection.